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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Here's me (bottom left) back in 1978. I bowled every saturday from the age of 6 till I was 18!!! My career topped when I was 12, I bowled my personal best of 255 and that year I was #1 in the Nation for my division. I had to ask my mom if the Nation was bigger than California. I also played baseball that entire time. Can't find any pictures of those.
  2. I do a ton of hiking at work. Alot of crappy hiking too since the illegals don't like to take the EASY route. Many times I have found myself on my hands and knees or even on my belly crawling through the thick stuff. I need to bring my camera back out with me, some of the places are very pretty if I take the time to stop and enjoy the scenery. That trip I did a few months back when I went to the MASH 4077 site was very cool. Although it is not for vehicles.
  3. I knew you meant the OTHER borders in that post. But the US/MEXICO border is alot closer to sent to 60 year old guys..and they actually have had an impact here. If you ever wear that hat out let me know and I will get you another, Thanks for the support!
  4. If nothing else, put us on border patrol....we will have it secured the first night! I would like to see that... Most 60 year olds that come out to help us are all asleep by noon taking their geratol pills and prune juice. But I do give them credit. They do what alot of other people turn their backs to because it doesn't effect them directly.
  5. bp-guy


    Wow, Sweet ride. Have fun and take pictures.
  6. Bob- it that one 5,000 hp motor or ten 500 hp motors?
  7. My wife and oldest daughter are in Washington D.C. for a week. I think today they are going to try to look for watermelons on the black I mean WHITE house lawn. Me and my youngest are going to hang out with family and have a picnic after an early dinner at the park. That damn bunny made it here too Cheese! Kid is bouncing off the walls...effen PEEPS!
  8. From the dog or that girl? lol Is the dog missing it's left rear leg or am I seeing things?
  9. the link should take you right to the video. No dyno video but something that should hit home.
  10. I just watched this video. It's only 4 minutes out of your life but it might change your life all together. Makes you appreciate what you have and remember to tell those around you that you care for them because you might not see them again. Pass this along to all your friends and family please. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Pay-attention_207993.htm
  11. Yoshi has 2 nice looking rides in his picture! I would trust him...LOL
  12. I don't mean to come across rude but it might be cheaper in the long run to not use that at all and get a used rail complete. That frame looks pretty beat up. All the parts and accessories will cost quite a bit and a used rail would probably be only a couple thousand more and will look alot better. There are alot of nice beam cars for sale out there.
  13. If we get enough of these cameras we can get some great footage on our runs.
  14. I have a California plate on my Golf cart. Wasn't any trouble at all. I can go on any public road with a posted speed of 25MPH. I pick up my daughter from school in it some times. All the other kids get jealous.
  15. I finally got comfortable wheeling mine over presidents weekend. It's a strange feeling not knowing how high to get the front-end up. Now I know mine will stop on the skidplate and not damage the wing so now its a ton of fun!
  16. Randog- what batteries did you buy on E-Bay? I looked and there are a ton of them out there. Were you satisfied with the charge they held? Don't be afriad of that suction cup assembly. If you get it on a good smooth surface and lock it down it will not come off. All my videos were made using the suction cup attachment. It filmed very good with no visible signs of vibration in the video.
  17. I have one as well, Its a fun camera. I hope you didn't pay full price, I had told people on here I can get them a deal on them. Don't skimp on batteries! I learned the hard way with them crapping out midrun in the sand.
  18. that bar looks like a lot of fun. The weather looked a bit nipply there!
  19. Well, I usually work the day shift so it is a little slow (under 30 apprehensions on our shift) but at night riding the ATV I can get places the trucks can't and agents on foot take a longer time to respond. Last night we were working 3 groups of 10+ at the same time. Plus a larger group of 40 was still south and waiting to cross.
  20. Well since my uniform is green and I am working nights on the ATV unit I couldn't get out and drink. But we managed to sack up about 40 leprechauns last night! LOL The hills come alive at night! It's a blast.
  21. Damn Dave- I guess it payed off in the long run with the other car being stolen. Aside from the heartache and all. This car looks great, I can't wait to see it in person.
  22. I push mine up to 28 psi when I hit it hard to pass or from a dead stop. I have heard 32 psi is the max for a stock motor.
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