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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Damn Capt. thats good news! maybe you can get some of that stuff back and put it to use on your new car. I will give you a ton of credit, I would be fuming if that happened to me and you never spoke one bad thing about the whole ordeal.
  2. People did have poles, Not sure if they were catching anything though.
  3. Sunday, me and the family went up to Malibu Creek State Park and did a little hiking. I have always wanted to see where MASH was filmed and see what was left behind. It's about 170 miles from the house so we packed up the kids and snacks and headed off. This park is pretty cool. Tons of trails to hike, all ranges of skill levels are covered here. Our walk ( not really a hike) was just under 2.5 miles one way. With no real elevation changes what so ever. Lots to see and take pictures of. When we got to the site I was a little bummed to only find 2 vehicles are all to be had. Atleast they are not vandalized and stripped clean. We had lunch there and made the treck back to the truck and headed home. I am a huge fan of MASH and was loving just sitting there and wondering what this place was like 30+ years ago when they were filming it. I highly recommend this place for a trip to go hiking.
  4. I am looking into redoing both of my houses too.
  5. I believe the site said that was with all stock components. So you should be able to open it up a bit more and get a good spark. Double check their site just to be sure. www.pertronix.com
  6. I would like to know the story behind your avatar...
  7. Stolen from the pertronix website- What should I gap the spark plugs to? The Ignitor has no set specification in which the spark plugs should be gaped at. Every engine responds differently to spark plug setting. In most cases increasing the factory recommended gap by .005 improves the engine performance
  8. The dual solexs will work ok, but you will be much happier with dual webber's. Take a pic of the homemade setup and let us see it.
  9. what about one of those moble vehicle registration places? Eff the DMV
  10. Definately get the 6 volt batteries if you have the room for them. The deep cycle ones can take a beating and recharge very easily. Also look into a solar charger to keep them maintained in the off season.
  11. I found this picture by doing a "Not for Hire" Search on the web. It might be this simple for you as well. http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldonliner/251297091/sizes/l/
  12. I know it has to say- Private Coach and/or Not For Hire. Other than that I am not sure what writing they are referring to.
  13. Check your Pm's for the info. I took mine that I got for Christmas out to Superstition last weekend. It worked great. If you want to hear the motor you need to mount it close to the motor. I heard alot of the front suspension working and all the creaks and noises from that. I bet in the sand it would be alot better.
  14. Mine gave me a warning but said I had permission as long as they could use the video or something to that effect. Pretty bs in my opinion. We pay to get their music and when we use it they have a say in how it is presented?
  15. I have heard nothing but good things about OUTFRONT motorsports in CA.
  16. Very good job on the editing.. As I was watching the video I was thinking to myself I want a camera like that but for 7K? I will just stick to windows movie maker I guess...
  17. Pete- that was all in fun.. the Whatever remark was in relation to that video you like. sheesh
  18. I california the only things allowed to hit the ground from a trailer and not get a ticket--Water and Chicken feathers! Its an OLD law!
  19. Damn Pete- relax, some of us laugh at some things others don't... WHATEVER!
  20. I bet his guy is some 40 year old virgin on his highhorse and just wants to make alot of people angry. I bet if we took him on a ride in a rail he would be laughing and smiling the entire way, but as soon as he got out he would revert to his grump a$$ self! Does this guy drive a gas powered vehile that emits pollution into the environment? Does he use a stove or heater in his house? Anything fuel related is making pollution and I would safely assume he is a violator of one of those items. I like in that article how it stated that a jet ski dumps 3 gallons of fuel into the water for every hour of use!!
  21. Just wanted to bring this back up- Looks like 3 for sure so I will get with my brother in law and see what kind of deal we can get and how he wants to get paid.
  22. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXfHLUlZf4
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