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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Looks like I will be there Thursday night. Leaving right after work.
  2. Going to miss my work Christmas party for this!!! Gonna be a good time!
  3. Like lighting a mortor in camp when BLM is driving by...
  4. I was checking that car out at the sand show. Street legal and I liked the rear camera feature.
  5. My Brother in Law works at Bikebandit.com . I am sure he can hook you up on parts. Shoot me a pm and I can get you in touch with him.
  6. Used Stellar solar here in San Diego. No complaints. Start to finish was about 45 days.
  7. Hell yes that's a sweet upgrade. No more short cutting the lines on the fast rides!
  8. Just need to button up my axles and get loaded up. Trying to make it Friday and leave Saturday mid afternoon since I have to work on Sunday. Besides- Sandy the Elf wants to make an appearance!!! Now that she is out of rehab and ready to try it again. Oh yeah. I need a place to crash for a night.
  9. I will go halves if someone wants in on this. We can split em up.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3uPZZQVoCg#t=101
  11. It was a fun day for me on Sunday. Woke up at 11:30pm Saturday, hit the road at midnight. Rolled into camp at 5:30am. No one was up so I just relaxed in my truck for a while. Newly got up and we talked for a few then decided it was time for everyone to get up so I unloaded my car and Newly fired his up. Other people slowly arrived, I met a few new people which is always a good thing. Did 3 good rides then the heat was getting too much and I was loaded back on the road at 2pm. Got home just before 8pm. and passed out in bed. 11 hours of driving my truck to and from Dumont and a few hours in the sand. Totally worth the effort to do it. I had electronic power steering installed on the car and all I can say is HELL YES. What a difference that made, no more feedback through the steering wheel on bumps and super easy to turn while duning. My only regret is not having my go-pro on when YNOT did his Randog impression on a wheelie. He had his car damn near straight up and down on a side hill. I though he was going to roll that thing but he managed to pull it off and didn't miss a beat and kept on leading the ride. My next Dumont trip might not be till Presidents. So some of you better step up and make it down to Glamis. If I can do Dumont for a day, You can do Glamis for a weekend.
  12. 5 hour one way drive for me... cough cough.. Just do it!!!
  13. 5 hour drive for me! Just had power steering installed and I want to try it out. I will hit the road between 12:00 and 1 am.
  14. Are you taking the family or going solo Newly? If solo I might head out after work Saturday if I can crash in your hauler. I wouldn't be out there till maybe 7pm though.
  15. If I get my rail completed this week i am in.
  16. I hate you!! That's a sweet way to spend a summer.
  17. I missed the last one. If I can get the day off I will definitely try and head out for a quickie!
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