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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. I know some of our "customers" won't forget that day either. 4 of them got shot as they waited to cross the border. We arent sure if it was the police or bandits that did the shooting because it was 9:30 at night so no one could see who pulled the trigger. All are now in OUR hospitals milking the system for the very best health care WE can afford! Plus we have to babysit them instead of being out in the field catching more!!!!
  2. 973.4 was my best after about 100 tries.
  3. Do they charge hourly or by the job?
  4. I could use one of those to haul away some of the big groups we catch. We usually caught 3-5 people in a group. Now we are seeing 15+ many times a day.
  5. I was never a fan of the 3-wheelers myself. It was fun riding them on 2 wheels, but I always felt uneasy on those things at higher speeds.
  6. Congratulations on the baby boy. Life as you knew it is now OVER!!! But I mean that in a good way. I have 2 daughters and wouldn't trade it for the world. Where are the pictures?
  7. Me too..but they were just Boingo then. 311 opened for them before they took off and made it big.
  8. I have a megacab at work and that thing is huge!! We take out the back seats and you can have a fricken party back there. It only has 325 miles on it. In about 6 months it will have about 6,000 easily. It's too long for us though, it won't be long before someone high-centers one out in the mountains. I have to wear out the origional tires before I get the off-road tires put on. Needless to say I help them wear out as I drive..lol A 10 foot bed on a megacab would be a nightmare to park. then to make it a a dually would really mess things up.
  9. Damn Pete- that car looks gooood. Nice choice on colors too. Going to be a looooooooong summer for you. I bet you will squeeze out a full moon night run sooner or later. Have fun with the new toy and try to keep this one a tad bit longer! No Intercom? what gives?
  10. That's cool but I would take it to a place I was comfortable having it repaired. But if they recommend it, then it should be a good place too.
  11. you should be able to take your car anywhere YOU want to have it fixed. That's how my insurance company works.
  12. this kid has some cool moves. http://www.break.com/index/i-think-he-can-dance.html P.S. those Retarted Policeman videos are funny as hell..
  13. says video not available. so you only wasted like 2 seconds of my time..lol
  14. I just got a CA plate for my golf cart. I went thru a 3rd person that does registering vehicles for you while you work. It cost me $109 to take it from unregistered to street legal. Now I can legally drive my daughter to school in it! The other kids are jealous. It has to stay on city streets under 25mph posted speeds. Other than that it is wide open as to where I can take it in my neighborhood.
  15. Here's a classic Dave Chappelle episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR2s5MA2vQ0
  16. The last few days sucked for me as well. It was over 100 in the mountains and I was chasing groups uphill most of the day. One hike I thought it would take just a couple minutes to apprehend the group but it turned out to take over an hour and I didn't take my camelback with me. I think I lost a couple pounds just by sweating it out.
  17. Jim- Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one for you. If you need that 3rd leg from my father-in-law to stand on soon let me know.
  18. Opps, my bad......It was gooooooood!
  19. I had today off and decided to go to Mexico and get my tank filled there. I crossed the Otay Border Crossing and went about a mile into Mexico till I found a PEMEX gas station. They have people at the pumps to pump your gas and wash your windshield as you wait. I had about an 1/8 of a tank left till empty and when it was filled it cost me $55.00 to fill it. I figure I had about 20-25 gallons of Diesel to put in the tank so the price was right for the 2 hour turn around for me. Next time I bring a buddy and we hit the taco stand and drink a few beers.
  20. Remember Monster Garage? Here is a pretty cool clip I found-
  21. Damn!!!! moobs.com is already taken.
  22. This guy was a great comedian. I wonder what happened to him? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqoCHXwCrgQ
  23. those two GIRLS above me need a spanking!! ^^^^^ :6pak:
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