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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. All of my pics are too big to post. I need to resize them.
  2. MIND IF I DANCE WITH YOUR DATE BOB- I believe it was " Mind if we dance WIF your dates?" thats if your quoting the movie Animal House.
  3. Pete- Over on Glamisdunes.com they were talking about cheap nice cameras. Best Buy is phasing out the Kodak Z712IS. It is a 7.1 MP and a 12x zoom. I picked up 2 for 119.99 each! So far its worth the money but I haven't taken too many pics with it yet. I will be briniging it out with me this weekend. But for the money I couldn't pass it up. If you want one let me know and I can see if they still have them in stock.
  4. This thread is wrong on so many levels!!! you should all be ashamed of making fun of the black race like this!!!! Damn its funny though!
  5. If they are too short can't you also run the risk of pulling out the c-clip?
  6. I have the Oakley's as well and like them alot. Although I hardly use them. I favor my shades over goggles.
  7. Sorry, My brother in law can't get these. He and his boss tried to locate a way to get some but had no luck. Sorry for the long delay.
  8. Sorry guys, been slacking off on this.. I will see him in a couple hours and will ask.
  9. Sometimes that is better for them. We know they treat their guys very bad in prison over there. We have relations with the Mexico PD and trust me, they are on our side in some instances! When we tell the illegals we are sending them to mexican prison they BEG us to keep them here and send them into our jails where they can have 3 hot meals and a warm place to stay. Plus they tend to get a little bruised up on their side of the border in prison if you know what I mean!
  10. Just wanted to show you how the Agent was returned home. He was met by law enforcement at various spots along his journey home. He was escorted the entire way home like this! Arizona to Texas.
  11. My stuff is so HOT it's rolling out my pant leg!!!
  12. Here is the letter we all got in our e-mail at work. The Funeral is today Jan 24th. It is with extreme sorrow I inform you that the Border Patrol mourns the loss of another member of our family. On Saturday, January 19th, Senior Border Patrol Agent Luis Aguilar, of the Yuma, Arizona Border Patrol Station was murdered while in the performance of his duties. Agent Aguilar was attempting to deploy a set of tire deflation devices to stop a suspected smuggler who was attempting to evade our agents and escape into Mexico across the Imperial Sand Dunes in the Yuma Sector area. The suspect, driving a Hummer, accelerated his vehicle and intentionally swerved into Agent Aguilar. Agent Aguilar was unable to avoid the oncoming vehicle and was struck by the suspect vehicle. Despite efforts by his fellow agents and responding EMS, he died on the scene as a result of his injuries. This despicable and cowardly act by the criminal element that is fighting us for control of the border will not go unpunished. An extensive manhunt, involving both the United States and Mexican Government, is underway. We will spare no resources in our effort to identify and bring to justice Agent Aguilar’s murderers. Agent Luis Aguilar began his career with the Border Patrol when he entered on duty July 21, 2002, as a member of the 519th Session of the Border Patrol Academy. He had been assigned to the Yuma Border Patrol Station since his graduation from the Academy. Agent Aguilar was 32 years old at the time of his death, and he leaves behind a wife and two children. He is also survived by his parents and his brother, Senior Border Patrol Agent Marco Antonio Aguilar, assigned to the Nogales Border Patrol Station in the Tucson Sector. We honor the sacrifice Agent Luis Aguilar has made in service to our country, and pray that his family be granted strength as they deal with the loss of a husband, father, son, and brother.
  13. would have been cool to see that in person.
  14. As of right now I am making it out there. My buddy is coming along with the Truggy and our friend who is the marketing director for SRH clothing is coming as well. 2 Rails and a Truggy. Looking forward to getting out there.
  15. I have been a Ford guy all my life but when it came to getting a diesel I went Chevy for the Allison tranny. I drive a Dodge 4 door at work and it is a good truck. I HATE the inside of the truck though. The cheesy design of the material and its too plastic looking. It does better than our fords in the mountains when it comes to 4x4 too. the Fords take too long to spool up on boost and the Dodges are right there when you need it.(maybe because of the inline 6?) Both trucks are nice but you need to consider the equipped options of both trucks as well. Which one suits your needs better? Do your homework so you have no regrets on the choice you make. Go online and find Dodge forums and Chevy forums, there is a ton of info out there from guys who live this stuff. Either truck would look good in your driveway.
  16. If you guys start some kind of fund for the officer, let us know, Im sure most would help...... Mike That's very kind of you. I will post the info when I get it. That's one good thing about the Patrol. We take care of our own and that family will never be forgotten. We have a golf tournament every year for 2 of our agents from my station and the money goes to scholarships of the family's choice. And on the day of one of the agents deaths we hike up to the area where he died and take pics and send to his family along with flowers. Its sad when this happens but the Funeral Procession's are AMAZING!! They are definately something to see. The last one had over 200 vehicles in a single file on the freeway (4 miles long). The helicopters do a missing man flyby, 21 gun salute and taps with a bagpipe. I personally hope we never do another one again!
  17. It happened in the Buttercup dunes and I am not sure if there were civilians in the area. I know if my partner or myself was in that situation I would have gotten off some shots but I don't know all the facts yet.
  18. This man left behind a wife and family!!! There were 2 vehicles involved. A H2 Hummer and a F-150 Ford. Both made it back to Mexico. He had 5 years in the service and was 32 years old. People at my station knew him and are shaken up pretty bad over this. He was a model agent and gave his life protecting the border!
  19. That will have a hard time going up Comp Bob....
  20. Those cars are going to take a while to get use to looking at. But they are very impressive in the horsepower department!!! I like that auto trans too. Atleast it sounded like they have one. Can they wheelie or is the motor too far forward to get the front end up?
  21. That's pretty funny right there!! Atleast my day today wasn't as bad as that game. I got 6 and 2 got away. But they are pretty fast in real life. lol
  22. That's what I was thinking... I live in San Diego but I might need a trip out there anyways. Thanks for the compliments
  23. http://www.break.com/index/extreme-slip-and-sliding.html Looks like a ton of fun!!!
  24. Atleast once a season for sure and two times if under heavy abuse or many trips to the desert. Same grease method here as Joe Duner. Sure its dirty work but well worth the ease of mind knowing your stuff is ok.
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