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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. what do all of these people have in common? Marc Bolan, guitarist & vocalist for rock band T.Rex. Harry Chapin, singer James Dean, actor Di, Princess Sam Kinison, comedian Ernie Kovacs, comedian Desmond Llewelyn, "Q" in the James Bond movies Jayne Mansfield, actress Bill Martin, baseball manager Margaret Mitchell, author Tom Mix, actor George Patton, general John D Rockefeller III, rich guy They are all Dead!!!!!
  2. whats the problem? Alot of us have had issues with them.
  3. He is my question for you guys-- try not to google it either WD40- what do the W and D stand for, and explain the 40.
  4. Not enough cross bracing!! that thing will buckle in an instant!!
  5. My wife was painting her nails and she was showing me the results.
  6. Only one person from each station gets picked and we go for interviews with the higher ups. I am going to make my resume sound so damn sexy. I hope Ford keeps the records of all those classes I took 10 years ago, I have all my ASE dates. I might go to a professional place to get it done up right. There are alot of agents saying they are putting in for it. I know I am the most qualified at my station but that doesn't guarantee anything. Talk about a dream job!!!!!! I think it shouldn't have a number on the car, put that picture of the family running across the road on it!
  7. WHO CARES!! lol I am working for NASCAR beeeotch... :chug:
  8. We just received a memo, they are looking for actual Agents to be on the pitcrew!! If we pass the tests they put us thru we will be NASCAR certified! I am all over this one....The position will be for 7 races this year and they are looking for 30 agents. My guess is that is for all across the Nation and we would pit for the races near us and not travel all the time.
  9. Be careful if you wear that into a mexican restaurant... you might get the "House Special Sauce" in your food!!!
  10. Pete- I am just now seeing this thread. I laughed when I saw the shirt. I don't wear mine all too much around town for those same reasons. Glad you had a good time up there. If you or anyone needs a shirt send me an message and I can hook it up. I think they are like 12 bucks or something like that.
  11. In Gordons Well the sheriff's sit back and enjoy the light show, unless someone is endangering themself or others. we all enjoy it and I like watching others do it, its easier on my wallet!! And as to the dogs coming to sniff out the fireworks. If your kept at the side of the road for an unusually long length of time that is construed as an arrest. Atleast for us it is. If they can't base anything to get into your ride then they have to cut you loose. But if the dog is 10 minutes out then your screwed!!
  12. I am not leaving the house!!! lol
  13. definately the driveway ride!!
  14. uh no We were playing catch with them as we weighed em. DUDE GO DEEP!!!!!
  15. Ok dog is home safely and I am dome with anything that has a motor today!!!! On my drive to get him I think I know who is responsible for this day of mine. Dunefreak has seen some of these pics already. On Wednesday at work we had credible information that drugs were going to be smuggled into the United States in our area. Low and behold it happened! Me and a partner got beind the vehicles and pursued them. We managed to get one driver (me and another agent) after he crashed and fled on foot. The other driver made it back to Mexico. But we got both trucks. Here is the result.. 1856 lbs of Marijuana with a street value of just under $1.5 million. I think thats all the pics I can post in a public forum such as this. But I remember during the chase off road thinking to myself "damn this is fun". Funny the things you remember in a stressful time.
  16. I am ok with it now.. 2 hours ago it would have been a different story. I even laugh now. There is a school on my block and I am glad no one was it the way of it coming down my driveway. Here's a few pictures of it. You can see the scrape marks of the trailer as it goes doen the driveway. The bushes that stopped the trailer. Looing back up my driveway and the damage to the trailer itself.
  17. So today is Friday and I have the day off.. Woo Hoo.. lets get somethings inorder for the Thanksgiving trip to the desert. Ok, before I go on. Go get a drink and picture in your mind what is going on as this unfolds. I unhook my motorhome and take it to go get gas (3.40 a gallon!!!) pretty uneventfull so far. I have my trailer in the back yard unattached and just sitting there. I drop the rear door and take the rail out. As I do I noticed the front of the trailer raise up a few inches then settle down as I get the rail out, no biggie right? So I fill the rail with gas and tinker with it for a while fixing a bad ground on the whip light and other minor things too. So now comes time to load it back in and call it a day. I start the rail up and slowly drive back in. I hit the brakes and feel the trailer nudge forward. My side door is open and I see it move a bit. I watch it and say ok it will stop. But it DIDN'T!!! It kept rolling forward and I think "ok here comes the rought iron fence" WHAM we go thru that like it was not there. I am sitting IN the rail looking out the side door watching the bushes go by as we go down the driveway(75 feet long). I jump out of the rail and run down the rear door, the trailer is going maybe 5mph tops. I try to get to the front and pull the breakaway plug but its too late. The trailer made it to the street and the next stop is my neighbors house that is about 15 below street level! The trialer hits the shrubs that they have and the trailer jack managed to dig into the soft dirt and stop just as it left the street. So now my trailer is blocking the road both ways and I have no way of getting it out of the street. Just then a older man with a chevy 4x4 comes along and asks if I need a hand. We try pulling the frontend back towards the street but its dug in too much. I jump in my rail to back it out and the ramp is so steep I bend up the diamond plating I have on the floor because the floorpan bolts grabbed onto the floor. I manage to get the car out and we jack up the trailer with my floorjack and try it again. Success!! it is now pointed in the right direction. I see the electric jack is bent at the bottom and the side of my trailer has scratches from the shrubs but other than that no real damage.. YET keep reading We park it off the side of the road so I can hook my motorhome to it and take off the jack. I offer the man lunch,beer anything he wanted but he declined and we shook hands and off he went. So I back the motorhome to it and remove the bent jack and put it in the trailer. I get in the motorhome and drive it around the block to back it in the driveway. Well as I take a corner I see a womans jaw hit the ground and I think "hmmm that's not good" I check my mirrors and see sparks! I FORGOT TO SHUT THE DOOR! my rear door was drug halfway around the block open. OK I lock that and am trying to figure out why this is happening to me. I get back to my house and back the trailer and motorhome back in the driveway. With everthing hooked up properly now I load the rail back into the trailer and tie it down. I look at the trailer tongue to see if I missed any damage and noticed all the wiring is shreded to hell!! I am ready to just grab my gun and put an end to it all. I guess after I removed the electric jack the wiring had enough slack to drag on the ground and when I back up there is a small rise in my driveway and trailer smashed it into the ground as I backed in. At this point I am afraid to touch anything!!! I am usually very careful but today was just my day I guess. I got off very lucky. A bent jack and some scratches on my trailer and some wiring is all that got damaged. My dog is in the groomers and I have to go get him in a while otherwise I would not be leaving the house!!!! So in closing-- whoever I pizzed off, I am sorry! U WIN.
  18. bp-guy

    Fuel Prices

    Where do you live? Gas in San Diego has not gone that low in a LONG time. Average gas here is $3.30 and Diesel is easily over $3.50
  19. Here is my report frome Glamis TONS of People!!! end of report I managed to get out there for about 16 hours in the sand. The Truggy had overheating problems and I got a flat tire while going on a ride Sunday all by myself!! Thank goodness for the radios, I was about 15 miles from camp and I was still able to reach camp and tell them to bring a jack and my rock tires. The drags there were crazy!!! I made 2 passes then sat the rest out due to the idiots and dust. Went to Oldsmobile hill and sat there and just watched the idiots there too and had a few laughs till the Sheriffs formed a line with their vehicles and made everyone leave. Here are a few videos we took just before loading up to come home. It feels much higher in the car when your jumping but I am still to chicken sh#t to really hit it and break something!! And it looks like we are planning on making the trek to Dumont for Turkey day!! Assuming I get the time off I requested.
  20. bp-guy


    No I don't know him.
  21. bp-guy


    Not sure what they were doing. Possible scouting the area to loot later on or looking for single females to come back to and assult. Hopefully they go away for a while.
  22. bp-guy


    Here are more pics of today in my area. The guy seated in the pic near the bottom was arrested for being an imposter! He had a Dept. of Corrections shirt on and was driving arounf the area for two days. his buddy was also in on it and they had the green Ford F-150 with alot of communication equip. and emergency lighting. Dirtbags!!!
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