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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. It had the straps. He changed the gas flex pipeing and the two shutoff valves on top. Oh and also put a pan under it incase of leakage.
  2. Sorry to agree with everyone else on here but DAMMMMM! Ours went out on out new house just after we moved in. We had the insurance for it and it still cost us $600 but we opted for a 75 gallon over the 40 gallon. Plus there were some upgrades that were required by law (so he says)...
  3. It's amazing how your pet becomes so much of the family. I remember how I felt when my dog ran away. That empty feeling is the worst- looking at the toys and where they laid down at night.. Sorry she passed but in time you will be better and remember all the good times you had with her!!!
  4. Mike Thanks- It was fun building it with Dustin. I am sure I bugged him alot with me running in there and taking pictures and asking tons of questions...but it came out how I wanted it and I am very happy with it. I am not sure about the night ride but we are thinking about the 25th of August for a quick trip out and shakedown.
  5. I am glad I don't like those rhino things. Too much money.. I am still in favor of the golfcart and got one for the wife and kids.
  6. I would drive it for a while then sell it. Hell I just sank a ton of cash into my new one and I think it is just as nice. So definately sell it and but a new truck!
  7. ( in a circular group setting)---- Hello my name is Tim and I am a
  8. My Bad!!! I guess all the cool guys are named Tim!!
  9. You will be fine.. I should have told you we had a tool failure that caused the spring to shoot out a mach 3! it went about 10 feet up and 15 feet behind me and missed the car I was working on. We all just stood there for a few and checked to see if we all had 10 fingers still. You just don't play around with all the energy stored in the springs thats all.
  10. Senior Cheese- I appreciate the words... thats all I need! Knowing I have the support is good enough. I can't tell you how many times we get flipped off by people here just driving down the street.. Anyone coming to San Diego is more than welcome to do a ride along with me.
  11. Get the right tool for the right job as He said ^^^^^^. I have had a strut spring let go on me while changing a strut ( I was even using the strut compressor) Those things are under a huge amount of pressure and when they let go you have no warning and it could possibley be fatal... Be very careful
  12. Shhh!! thats a secret , but it was OGP that made that remark not me..
  13. I have one of those for work. the 100oz camelback. It has a ton of storage for my handheld GPS, energy bars and big flex-e-cuffs for when I catch a group of illegals.
  14. Thats the truth!! I bought one for the Pace trailer but didn't install it so I am giving it to my father in law for letting me borrow his diesel truck to move my dad. It seems as we get older we get lazyier and buy the things to do the work for us. Too bad I cant figure out a way of making a 3rd appendage to feed me beer on demand!
  15. Yes it does. this thing is sweeet. I will be taking it to vegas next month to move my father back to san diego. August 3-5 is when I should be there. Maybe we can do another dinner/drinks or just drinks? And yes Sincity I have taken it out. hard roads and a few packed dirt roads in my buddys neighborhood. This thing flies!! Can't wait to hit the sand with it.
  16. I had previously bought a Pace Pursuit trailer and to my dismay I asked the guy every question in the book about the trailer except---How wide is the rear door? turns out it was a 90" and I need 93 minimum. So i was able to sell it and took a $100 loss (not bad). I was referred to a guy that also has an AG sand car (the V12 BMW twin turbo car) so I go over to his house and he sells me his old trailer at a killer price!! It came with the compressor and tool box too! (believe it or not the V12 was not enough for him so he sold it and is going BIGGER)
  17. Atleast you guys seem to agree with the spray-in liner. My friends here are hard to convince that my idea was a good one. The guy didn't even want any money because it was such a small job. I saw his boy was selling chocolate bars for his little league so I bought $25 bucks in chocolate and took 1 bar. We both were happy!
  18. My new rail has them and they are Chrome. I had a foot rest in the yellow rail and I had it sent out and had a rhino-liner company dip it. But since yours is welded to the chassis I guess that is out. Grip tape should work fine and if it comes loose it is a cheap thing to replace. I am sure sand will work its way in and seperate the tape from the metal.
  19. Well I didnt get any pictures but here is how it went. AWSOME!!!! I unloaded it and took it down the street, finially got to hear the exhaust under a load. Went about 5 miles into the mountains down some old paved roads. Playing with the intercom and ipod along the way. Got the gps up and running to see the speeds. Managed to hit 88.9 on the gps but backed out due to the tires really grabbing hard to the pavement. My friend got into his truggy and we went out again and had the car to car system dialed in so we could talk to eachother.(I highly recommend getting an intercom) When I wasn't talking I had music in my ears. Took the neighborhood kids for a bunch of rides and they loved it. All in all I put about 20-30 miles on the car. Found a few things I need to address but nothing major. Can't wait to see what this car does in the sand! The torque is amazing. Laid a good patch of rubber on the street (60 feet) hit the rev limiter. The HIDS are sweet.
  20. Almost! Tonight after I get off work I am going out to my buddy house in the hills and I will finially get to drive it. Gonna take it easy and get the feel for it and break in the trans since it is new. I will try and get some pics and let you know how it goes.
  21. I hear them on XM. Pretty good I think. Pete, arent't they playing at Hard Rock in Mandalay Bay? Thought I saw it advertised on the bathroom wall as I was returning the coors light I rented from the bar.
  22. You have no idea!! Last night I was in the car with my daughter in the garage playing with the Ipod and GPS. We drained the battery because we were in it so long!!!!
  23. I know I will get one trip out there for sure. Its hard traveling with the little ones that far. But for sure one maybe two trips. The wife had a good time meeting Pete,Anna,Jim and Chris so she might be up for the trek out there.
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