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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. You Tube is a great site to kill time while at work... if you really really want to laugh and I mean REALLY LAFF go there and do a search for "monkey balls" the best 30 seconds on the net for a good laugh!! be warned -don't be drinking while watching this video, you will spit it out!!! Tim
  2. And not to knock on those guys but..... it seems as though that is thier only source of enjoyment if you know what I mean! ALOT of computer genius' with pocket protectors running around. LOL
  3. They just did this a few months back, drove out to watch and it was too windy.. They have some insanely huge ones that go up like 14,000+ feet if I remember right. It was called Plaster Blaster check it out on the net.
  4. I watched this at work with no sound. Then I watched it at home with sound and was crying from laughing so hard. I didn't know you can jumpstart someone puking by just making the noises over their shoulder!! Can't wait to meet you guys over President's, gonna be a good time! Tim
  5. bp-guy


    Thank you! yes those dogs are pretty fierce at times. I know one dog here that like to bite tailpipes and tires of cars (while moving!) as it passes by at the checkpoint.
  6. good to know thanks. I bet my glamis pass doen't apply to there does it?
  7. bp-guy


    Me too pm me his name and I will let you know if I know him.
  8. bp-guy


    Where at? it is a small community with us. someone knows someone who knows that person.
  9. bp-guy


    Dedicated no, love my job YES I will pick up illegals on my way in to go home. Has it bit me in the butt YEP. many extra hours of work when I could have been home with the wife and kids. But hey I got a child molester off the road one day that way! I don't bleed GREEN like some of my co-workers but when I am at work I try to put 100% into it when I am there.
  10. How about a 5 person setup with a radio to talk to base camp or other ham radio type people? Thanks Tim
  11. Thanks you guys.. It is nice to know that we are appreciated for doing this job.. I get alot of this on the freeway's here from the locals. I guess I am interrupting their income as smugglers..
  12. That sucks, I was watcing the news here in SD and saw the story there. I would hate to have my rail stolen. But my question was why would you leave your 100k car in the front of your house on a trailer without securing the trailer or locking out the ball receiver? I hope it gets returned, but by now I would think it is another color or in many parts by now.
  13. I don't know yet... I am still at work chasing illegals..DON'T THEY KNOW IT'S A HOLIDAY?.......
  14. bp-guy

    LED lights

    Thats exactially (sp?) what I want but in a wing. nice and BRIGHT!!!
  15. bp-guy

    LED lights

    ANYONE that wants a ride is free to jump in!!! It's a 4 seater. I think I have been in it 3 or 4 times. It doesnt do anything for me but it is a nice looking truck.
  16. bp-guy


    Well I might bring them and see what happens. I always bring my badge anyways, It has gotten me out of worse things.
  17. Damn that is cheap rent there!! For $1400 here in San Diego you get a refridgerator box and a small piece of dirt to park it on! WITH HOA from the local homeless.
  18. bp-guy


    I usually go to Gordon's Well and there are tons of fireworks going off all night. I was at parumph a few months back and stocked up on them and still have a big box full! I know they are illegal in CA but how does the law enforcment feel about them in Dumont? Don't want to get into trouble my first trip out there... Thanks Tim
  19. bp-guy

    LED lights

    Thanks for the info.. cheaper and no Shipping costs!
  20. bp-guy

    LED lights

    I think they are about 5 inches long and maybe 2 inches tall. Yes, typical trailer lights. They are on E-bay all day long for about 35-40 bucks. I want BRIGHT when I get on the brakes so no one hits me from the rear..
  21. bp-guy

    LED lights

    DAMN BOB.... I wouldn't mind a ride in that..Very nice
  22. bp-guy

    LED lights

    Cool ISBB... Looks like I will be bringing out the old rail this trip. My new one will be ready for Easter though. Tim
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