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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Nevada Day--- I don't see that on my calendar. Oh wait, I am in California!! Eff your Nevada Day!
  2. I have a question- What would cause the fuel system to lose pressure after sitting a few hours. Truck would start then immediately turn off. I have to prime the system by pumping the primer then it runs fine. This just started and it never did this till I installed the new adapter. I am not here to bag on the product at all. It might be something totally unrelated. I don't see fuel leaking but I know the Duramax has had a few problems with that primer system and hairline cracks. Just looking for help.
  3. Already did that. Put one of my other ones back in the back of my truck with the WIF sensor "just in case".
  4. No big deal on the filter issue. It went on and works like you said. I don't know if it is just me but the motor seems to run smoother on the freeway.
  5. He forgot a few things- You can drive it- Barefoot. It's powered by Del Taco. You must show a$$crack if your the new owner (please be a girl though) . Bob- Hate to see you sell this but I hope things work out for you in the long run. Your still my favorite black man on here.
  6. Thanks, I put it in yesterday. Real easy install. I noticed the idle fluctuated after the change over. Drove it to work today and it went away. I will post more in a day or two on how it goes. One thing I noticed but it didn't effect anything- When installing the new fuel filter it was hitting the side of the motor just a bit. It didn't hinder anything but the filter didn't just screw on easily, I had to help it out. Other than that I was happy with the whole thing. Too pretty of a piece to hide on the side of the block like that.
  7. I got this setup. Going to install it in the next day or so.
  8. All that ash will make for some green grass though. When San Diego almost burned to the ground a few years back my driveway was 1/4 thick of ash. My grass was so green shortly after that. Its back to being dead again....
  9. I might swing by when I am there in two weeks for that fuel filter swapout to a cat filter.
  10. The reservations are confusing. Is it $57 just to make a reservation then $17 a night? Or just $57 or $17 a night????? Then all the other fees..... What about restrooms down there? Either way it looks like a Bucket list type of place.
  11. So everthing they sold is now illegal? I have had their programmer for 5 years and love it. If I have to surrender it I better get paid a decent price or I am keeping it.
  12. I wasn't worried, Just wondered what to do with it. Tape it up out of the way? Or is there a connection I can unplug it somewhere?
  13. I posted this over 2 years ago. I will see if it is still around. I don't talk to that guy as much anymore.
  14. Hit up Home Depot for your " work force" buy all the material and you will save a ton of money.
  15. Too much money, but it would be fun with the right bunch of people up there. It would suck to drop your butter knife from up there. What about "potty" breaks?
  16. How does the adaptor secure to the motor? Or does it all come off when changing the filter. What would shipping be to San Diego? 91977 zip code
  17. Last Saturday I went to watch these races. It was pretty cool! Alot of old timers brought out their bikes and tore it up for the day. Some of these bike had little to no suspension on them. There were some newer bikes out there as well but it was mainly old school. The sidecar was a husband/wife team. It was a great day of racing. Pete- If the girl pic is too much go ahead and delete it. A little fun for the guys!
  18. To me it looks like Patton Valley in Gordon's Well.
  19. I went down to Ft. Rosecrans National cemetary to get a few pics. I have been there before but not on Memorial Day.To see all the flags makes you appreciate this weekend that much more. It's not just a 3 day drunk-fest and party. These people here gave us that ability to do that. To all the vets and active duty- Thanks for your sacrafices past, present and future. Just please don't make the ultimate sacrafice, enjoy the ride and go when it's time to go.
  20. I was going through my pics. How did I miss the best picture of the night? I was even representing DDR!!!
  21. I saw him run out of the stadium. Didn't know it was out of anger. Adrian Cenni was the guy that flipped right infront of me.
  22. The track was dirt and asphalt. The asphalt was in the corners to the two jumps to help them get traction. Those jumps were longer. But after Robby came up short they made the take off higher and the landing not as far away.
  23. bp-guy

    Radio freqs

    I have PCI in my car. I choose the one not being used by all the other people in the desert on any given day. No specific freq for any day.
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