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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. Just think, you have something to look forward to....it'll go down about $100 bucks a year when you renew. I just LOVE being the bearer of good news! :ahhhhh:
  2. Lucky you!! I just renewed my driver's license, had to get the new version.....in and out in exactly 26 minutes! I went to the express office on Donovan. Can only do renewals there, no 1st time registrations. Sorry.
  3. DAMN, you guys are good!! 13 down, and 130000..... to go! :angry2: Thank you!
  4. :shout: I sure as hell hope so!! There's no two ways about it, it is hazardous waste!! AND I don't care if it were an accident, throw the book at 'em! Period. No excuse. O.K., I feel better.....for now.
  5. How was your Prom night Kayla?? Got some pics for us??
  6. And to think this is the guy that just signed up for another 6 years to defend this wonderful country we live in!!
  7. Congrats you two!! Tiffany, you are a beautiful bride! Craig, I must say, lookin' mighty handsome too! Cole, you are a whole other story!! Really tho, good luck and may the honeymoon never end!
  8. MMmmmmmm, decided on Inn-n-Out Burger!! It was de-lish!!
  9. We have the airbags on our diesel....definately NO lift on that bad boy!! Davey installed a compressor, so the bags work like a charm. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/gallery/al...%29_%282%29.JPG
  10. They are in our book!! Dave and his best man wore shorts to our wedding. (DAMN, wish I had a pic on the 'puter!) Rented white tux jackets, complete with tails and matching bow ties, and white shorts!! When we stepped out of the limo, I heard the crowd in a combined whisper, "They wore shorts?!?"
  11. Hmmm, last night cooked dinner for the family, well, Davey helped, steaks on the grill. I even managed to clean the kitchen afterwards. Then onto DDR to catch up on my reading and a few Watched 'Reign of Fire' (love this movie!) 'til Same thing this morning, DDR Lazy day, let the kids fend for themselves. Shared a bowl of popcorn with the hubby watchin' 'Band of Brothers' and next thing I knew, it was nappie time. Here I be once again until I decide where dinner's comin' from tonight. NOT cooking. Tomorrow, well, daughters want to go shopping, so I guess I'll have to get my butt outta the house for awhile. Oh, and of course, get the laundry done since I did ABSOLUTELY nothing productive today!
  12. Good luck! Be all that you can be! I second that motion! :worthless_without_pics: Glad to hear that! A Drill Sgt?? Alter-ego?? You're such a sweet guy, IMO that is.
  13. OUCH!! Sorry to hear that! :worthless_without_pics: to a quick recovery!
  14. WOW!! Very touching video. Obviously, they were loved very much.
  15. We use Fast Glass down at the County shop. They hooked me up nicely when I had to replace the passenger's side glass on my Burb after it got broken into. They also gave me an awesome quote for my old Burb's windshield, $115.00 if I remember correctly (back in '01 when I was selling it). B)
  16. Actually Joe, that is a VERY good idea!! More people, more dangerous the illegal act, the more fine to be paid. Interesting, so you gonna show up at June's TRT meeting?!? to you also Gerald, VERY good question!! Will arriving on Thursday-v-Friday going to make a difference?? Are the passes going to be color coded?? All issues I imagine will have to be decided before the official start of the new season.
  17. Ditto on the congrats! Me and hubby will celebrate 14 years married the 24th of this month, been together 17. Sounds longer than it feels.
  18. No kidding, that seems to crop up weekly (almost daily)!! For such a BIG city, sure can be a small town somedays! :mc_smiley:
  19. YEPPERS!! My thought exactly!! :mc_smiley:
  20. I remember seeing that hauler!! Kinda makes ya wonder, huh?!?
  21. I second that motion!! That's where Davey got the airbags et all done on his truck. He helps Mike out a lot at the shop on weekends and his days "off". He could possibly help in getting you a great deal also, although IMO, they run an honest business and don't jack people around.
  22. dinicolady


    Nope, it's a chick lipstick and "eyelashes"
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