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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. COOL!! Congrats, brings new meaning to the word independence, huh?!?
  2. Some other short cuts I use to make camping life simpler: Kitchen is stocked with cookware/utensils so I don't have to remember to load the can opener every time. The obvious; paper products, plasticware and cups. I also keep a list on board so as supplies run low, I jot it down so I don't forget to restock those items. Rubbermaid totes!! Davey uses two big ones for the oil, tools, tiedowns, spare mini gas can, rags, etc. so he doesn't use up my cupboard space. I have a small one filled with batteries of all sizes that does fit in a cabinet. I keep bathroom necessities like shampoo, toothbrushes, soap, and a well stocked first aid kit on board so as not to load and unload each trip. Towels, kitchen towels, and other bedding get washed and returned to the hauler for storage...ready for the next trip out. Cleaning items like a broom and dustpan, a swiffer stick mop, and even a little car vac that's great to use for spot cleaning the upholstery and carpet in the "master suite". Kids and dog on board, a must have! The kids have some board games, cards, and art supplies just in case we get rained (or winded) in. Baskets galore for "pantry" items, bread and buns, ziploc bags in 3 sizes, foil and wraps, and I keep one by the door for keys, sunglasses, 2-way radios and such so they're always handy. And my personal favorite item: my picnic table (complete with benches) for outdoor use so I don't have to move the 'dining' table in and out of the trailer. It's HEAVY so no chance it will blow away. The way I see it, the less to load and unload each trip, the easier "toy haulin" life is!!
  3. Our hauler came complete with a grill that mounts on the outside and plumbed to the propane tanks already, just plug it into the coupler and light! Handy dandy little upgrade so we don't have to tote a grill out with us. (Stores under the queen bed in its own 'bag')
  4. Me too, gotta LOVE the slide-out in the master 'suite', pure closet space!! When ya gonna post some pics of the inside?? Did you go with the dark maple finish like they have in the pics on the WW website??
  5. I would have been SO pissed off, did ya rip 'em a new one?!? Jackie (dunesmurf) has had some major issues with them also.
  6. My thoughts EXACTLY!! Creepy doesn't even begin to describe it!
  7. Mine too! Well it's my @ work truck anyway, SuperDuty. Seems 98% of the County's vehicles are white, wouldn't want to own one that color, I see it ALL day long!!
  8. 64 views, 5 replies, and only one of 'em is from a guy!! The gals have the majority, and it is funny!! <<<<Could you imagine what this one would be like with full blown PMS!! :ahhhhh:
  9. I'm gonna mark that on the calender!!
  10. Clean up weekend was our season blow out trip. Gonna be at Logandale for the Easter weekend. I'm sure Davey is up to a wee-hours-of-the-morning trip or two again this summer, but I prefer Utah in the summer!!
  11. Nice piece!! I would have liked to hear Lynnette mention the "Pack it in, Pack it out" motto. The Pinzgauer got some air time, too! Lots of props went to DDR, awesome! P.S. Yes, I noticed the 2 up on that quad too.
  12. Most of the music probably came to 'em on an acid trip!! Oh yeah, Barrett....must agree 100%, however, there would be no Pink Floyd if it weren't for him! Can you hijack your own thread?!? Well, bro's anyway. Speaking of which, you gonna get that thing back from Pete or should we bring it with us to Cali??
  13. And your point is??? I have other surprises up my sleeve. Thank You Bob!!
  14. Translation= "So I don't have to feel guilty about going out to ride anymore" j/k Good man!! Now put the kiddo in a carseat and they'll be good to go!! Congrats, have fun and play safe!!
  15. Davey, me, and his bro saw him here in Vegas a few years ago! Awesome show, I have no doubt this one will be too!! P.S. Our kids were conce....ummmm, cooked on Pink Floyd!! Came out hummin' "Wish You Were Here"
  16. COOL Brandon, so you finally found the one for you!! Congrats kiddo
  17. :angry2: I remember that!! You did take a chunk out of it. (Damn, that HAD to hurt!) You're lucky it wasn't solid wood or your head would be missing the chunk! Sorry to laugh Pete, but ya gotta admit.... Tell DKRV it was termites, the duning type.
  18. Hmmmmm, may it's a territorial thing?? :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics:
  19. dinicolady


    For chicken breast, gotta marinate in Italian salad dressing, baste after turning them over. Mmmmmmm!!
  20. Hell yeah!! Just not as easy to "whip it out"!
  21. Well see, that's where you guys have a definate advantage over us girls!!
  22. That's funny, 'cause our first lab, Penny, taught our youngest to pee outside. He showed her how to go in and out the doggy door so they potty trained together! (He thought it was O.K. to poop in the backyard too. ) We just had to "train" him to go to the toilet in the house and that outside was fine when there is no "real" bathroom available.
  23. My Chevy (Burb) tells me at 3000 miles, but it is gas and not diesel. A good rule of thumb is every 3000 miles or 3 months, which ever comes first.
  24. "She likes to show her box to the other dogs too. We haven't quite figured that one out yet." That's called submission! Just her way of saying "I like you!"
  25. Yeppers!! Beware, she is our vicious watch dog! She'll chew you up and spit ya out! (Runs between my legs to bark at her own reflection in the doggy door!)
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