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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. If (when) we make it out to CA for the concert, we could bring it to ya, unless of course you make it out to Dumont before that.
  2. Damn Bob!! No wonder you've been quiet for awhile. Sorry to hear your news! As for an Easter trip, click here: http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...ost&p=62516 Take Care!
  3. ...........moved to Cali-fornia with a job in hand..............
  4. COOL!! There's somethin' else they already have in common! (and don't even know it yet )
  5. Dani owns a condo that they may be renting out soon. Try a PM.
  6. Yes indeedy, please do!! Hubby is a BIG NHRA fan, that would be a lot of fun!
  7. Don, you and I really seem to be on the same page on this issue, pun intended. I especially like your idea of impounding the misused vehicle!! A ticket is a slap on the wrist. Once the LEO is gone, they're back on it doing the same crap. Take the "toy" away, they can no longer play. Child endangerment charges need to be pressed before a child gets hurt, not because. As age limit goes, I was refering to Rhinos in particular. I've seen too many kids obviously too young to handle driving those things running amuck in the dunes with no adult supervision. It's just plain scary to watch. There are plenty of age appropriate quads out there and a responsible parent would make the right choice as far as skills go. Our youngest is 10 and this was the last season he'll be on the 90. It no longer can keep up with his skills! I was the one not ready to move him up to the 250. (He wants the Predator 500, I say "dream on!")
  8. Yes you were, with a lot of people too!! It just struck me as really funny 'cause you were right up against that pole, sitting all comfy with all these people standing around you. Looked like you were trapped in there! Smart move by you, fo sho! :mic:
  9. I have a few more to add: 1. SailAway likes to give raffle tickets to little boys that find green lobsters in the dunes. 2. A Pinzgauer can and WILL go airborn! 3. Some people still wanted to register even after the give-aways had begun. 4. Seeing Ken parked on his quad under an easy-up hogging the shade cracked me up! (We scored one of those nice helmets too ) On a positive note, I want to add that I was really surprised how many people came up to us just asking for trash bags. Didn't want raffle tickets, t-shirts or even a lunch ticket, just bags to carry trash in. Also, when asked, "Are you with a group?" the reply was, "No, it's just our family and we are here to help out." My to all of them! On a truly bummer of a note, on our way back to camp on Sunday, we passed through the comp area and it looked like one of the dumpsters had blown up! It broke my heart to see all the trash out in that area the day after the big cleanup.
  10. We still have our little Suzuki 80 for sale. I'm throwing in a youth size helmet (never worn, too small for my "youth" ) and a child size chest protector we can't use anymore. As for the toyhauler, aim for that forum and you'll get lots-o-information! :mc_smiley: Now's the time to start looking so you'll be ready for next season! :dance: As for this topic, sorry we didn't get together this weekend, passed by your camp a few times but we were heading out for a ride. Our kids get bored when we go camp hopping just to visit.
  11. I saw a wonderful example of why we DO need laws regarding side-by-side use just this past weekend. A toddler, yes a TODDLER, was literally standing behind the wheel of a Rhino with "dad" sitting on the passenger side. The vehicle was in motion, not sitting in a camp somewhere along the way, but driving along side the road on the flats. Talk about wanting to punch someone in the head! I honestly don't think this man thought about the consequences had there been an accident. That's why they are called ACCIDENTS, no one plans on it, but it can happen to anyone! Rhinos, Rangers, golf carts, whatever you wanna call them, are not toys! They are a motorized vehicle designed for off road use only. Just because they are not street legal does not make it O.K. for a child to operate one, ever. Age limit, I say yes. Driving permit for under 16, why not? Ticket the parents, guardian, etc., absolutely!! Tougher fines, big time yes! The safety course required should also include footage/photos of actual results of such "accidents". That just MIGHT get a parent to think about making better choices. A designated seat with seatbelt, harness is best, for all passengers at all times, no exceptions. Special child restraints, such as required by law in a car, for babies/children under a certain weight, something to consider. Helmets required for passengers under a certain age, also something to consider. Helmets for adults, IMO, is still a personal choice when other safety equipment (i.e. roll cage, harness) is installed and with proper use. I'm sure that's more than :mc_smiley: worth.
  12. Aside from the heat, it was an awesome weekend!! No injuries, no blow-ups, just one damn loose chain! Mike (PinzEOD) SO glad you did make it out! Was a bit worried when you called from Tecopa, I knew you were excited about this weekend. Always an adventure with you in camp! Steve, Bob, Rick and Sammie, sure glad you all came out, not the same without ya! Duh, Justin and Danielle too! First time I actually meet up with Cole at the dunes, I still never saw him on his bike, nada, zilch, not once! Randy (Randog), great conversation as usual Friday night at comp! PM Davey about Roger Waters, but I wanna go too! Julie, Anna, Tiff, as always, fun with you gals around!! Great idea bringing the glow stix Julie. Dan, Mike (Woody), friendly faces I always enjoy seeing on and off the dunes! Do I hear "sand fight!" Stacey, it was fun working with you Saturday. Hope we do it again next year. Didn't get to party together, but maybe the next HMS?!? BTW, CUTE puppy! Jackie and Dave....one of these days dammit :redhat: we WILL camp together!! Always good to see you guys, too! We should get together soon Hellooo, Pete, can't leave you out! :fro: The new rail looks better in person than online! Glad your weekend included no breakage. Thanks for the stickers and the hospitality. Rebecca, glad you were there, even tho we only got to chat a tiny bit. Met many a new peep this weekend: Jodi (buggychick) and hubby Sandbob1973. I enjoyed your company "in the booth" and thanks for the water rescue! Hope to see you two again, let us know when you're coming to Vegas next time. Michelle (sandqueen) you rocked the sign in! Vicki, of course, enjoyed working with you immensely! Maybe I'll get to the next TRT meeting instead of Davey. Mike (Kayla's dad) is super cool! Also good to meet you. Let's see, Jen, fancy meetin' you at the N. pole! :dance: Kristen (foxysandchick) good conversation also! I know I met others, many I didn't even know were with DDR, so I'm sure I missed some names. Everyone who participated should really give themselves a pat on the back!! It was hot, hectic, and downright NUTS at times, but damn it was GREAT!! P.S. My feet are STILL swollen!
  13. Our old one passed away Halloween weekend. Got tired of crappy shots from daughter's camera, so we just bought a new one for this trip! Mucho improvement!
  14. Gettin' set up Thursday evening Friday at the N. Pole...Dave, Jackie, and the D-man rollin' out Gorgeous day out, not too hot YET! 18 buggies rolled in, the line was so long it took too many shots to get them all in Bro-in-law and niece, just chillin' Sisterly love Friday night at comp turned into a MAJOR party!! Loaded and ready to roll Saturday morning Mike (PinzEOD) having TOO much fun Pinz and Little David have a special bond Saturday's sunset out by the S. pole Mom and daughters' ride only Sunday at the little dunes Pinz borrowed our Warrior so he had somethin' little to ride on
  15. QUOTE(GirlWithHorns @ Mar 19 2007, 02:44 PM) no you werent working. it said DDR meet & greet at 6pm South Pole You and me both Stacey!! What it??
  16. :chev_bowtie: Nope, wasn't me, we've never been to the same TT yet! But maybe the next one.
  17. Ahhhh, that's who was with you!! Didn't recognize him from the distance, just met him the night before, but I was sure that was you! BTW Nick, it was nice to have finally met you too! :chev_bowtie:
  18. Yeah, you all probably were. I was just really looking forward to it and was ready to rock-n-roll at 5:40 when Davey rolled back to camp to take my quad out to tow the Predator home (chain kept falling off), so I knew we weren't gonna get there in time. Plans change, just like the sand blows Got to meet new faces at comp Friday night and even more at the clean-up!! So that was really cool. :chev_bowtie:
  19. I do believe Terry (ynot) announced the total bags turned in by DDR was 168!! :bash: "Pete, would you like to come get your trophy?" :smoker:
  20. That must have been a hit-n-run meet and greet 'cause when me and the girls pulled up about 6:30 the last of ya's were already leaving! (Nick, was that you still sittin' there on the side of the hill?) Davey had been on a rescue mission towing little Davey back to camp with my quad, so as soon as he got back he sent us girls on out to say 'howdy' for the family. Oh well, we turned it into a nice girls' only ride anyways.
  21. You are VERY welcome and a BIG thank you to you too!! I can only imagine the hours you must put in to get this event organized! My hat is off to you Madame President! :smoker: PM on its way
  22. No shyness allowed!! :mc_smiley: Hence the phrase "meet AND greet!" :mc_smiley:
  23. Glad you decided on later than earlier 'cause I for one plan on a nappie after the cleanup!! :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  24. My ulterior motive for signing in peeps is so that I get to meet and put faces to many more DDR "poster children!!" :jester: I'll have a hubby and 3 kids out prowling for trash, so they won't need me anyway!
  25. IMO, the raffle prizes are just icing on the cake. A nice little reward for everyone's effort. Everyone's goal, and I think ya'll agree, it's for the good of Dumont and the folks that enjoy playing out there!! Seeya at the dunes!!
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