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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. O.K., I’ve had some time to think about this now and I have a better understanding of your point Mr. Sandemon. Please let me explain my reaction. #1 It never occurred to me that other people, meaning non-DDR members, would want to drop their trash bags at one of our sites set up around the dunes. But as Crasher (Tiffany) mentioned, why refuse them. I see where you are coming from about counting the tickets towards our (DDR) total count because: #2 I had to picture in my mind a roll of tickets and realized there will be two of each, 1 to give the person and 1 for the "kitty." And IF we did accept any and everybody's trash bags and IF we used the tickets as the method to count the total collected, that would weigh heavily in DDR's favor. I understand that (now). :icon_twisted: However, my original suggestion in this thread was to have a person at each site (maybe 3 or 4 sites at most?), log the trash bag in by labeling it for DDR (if need be) and log the screename on a separate sheet of paper with say, a simple slash mark for each bag they turn in. We would have a running total of members' bags collected and it would only take a few minutes before the drawing starts to tally up the totals from each site. FODD could verify this total! I thought the simplest way to get the raffle tickets to each member was to hand them out as the bags came in. But if that is not going to be an option, I'm sure SailAway (Vicki) will help us and we will figure out a plan 'B'. Now I'll be able to sleep tonight.
  2. Once again Bob, you are absolutely correctomundo!! :ahhhhh:
  3. Sounds like someone was a busy beaver!! Glad you gotta kick out of it! :icon_twisted: :ahhhhh:
  4. Holy cow!! That came outta left field! I never even considered counting the tickets in lieu of the actual trash bags. Honestly I think that would be harder to do. Sorry, I'm still in shock. :ahhhhh: Phewww, thanks Tiff. Good points...LOL, I sure as heck won't turn down a bag full-o-trash!!
  5. Me, Davey and 3 kids plus 1 dog fo sho fo sho!! Just found out today most of our "usual" group (not DDR poster children) will be out too, minus some wives. So that makes for 3 or 4 more rigs headin' out. :freakin_nuts:
  6. Yeah Tiff, this may be the way to go!! We can't make anything definate until we hear from Vicki, she'll be back in town tomorrow (Monday) and maybe she'll work with us on some of these points. I'll give you (and Jackie) a call this evening, have to go to a birthday party this afternoon.
  7. Just to clarify, does this mean you handed out the raffle tickets at the dumpster for each bag deposited?? 'Cause that is really our biggest concern right now, is how to get the tickets to everyone. We're hoping to have a bag count as we go along, a running tally so to speak. To quote Sailaway: If it was me, I'd decide on a very specific spot where everyone in the group places their filled bags. Use a magic marker to number them maybe or just have someone "log them in" as they're dropped off (we'll work out a way for them to get the raffle tickets too). We'd like to have a few drop points, to make it easier for peeps to drop and run back out for more. (So far PLENTY of volunteers for vehicle use! Thanx a bunch guys & gals!!) Already planned on using mailing labels to mark the bags for DDR (easy to see/read) and "log them in" using the screename (raffle ticket purposes). It would only take 1 person per vehicle to keep a log and we would total up the count in the end when we deliver the filled bags to the dumpster.
  8. :freakin_nuts: That is a very interesting idea!! This is my 1st cleanup trip, so I do not know how "they" work it out. Sounds as if it could make sign-up move along quicker, that's fo sho!
  9. I'm not exactly sure yet where we'll be camped either. We're easy to spot tho. Big arse blue Ford duelly towing a big arse Tahoe Transport fiver with this on it!! Just bought a new camera last night, so we're gonna get a better pic done soon and replace the crappy one in the rig thread.
  10. I DO TRY to avoid the drama, not always easy tho!
  11. Sounds like a plan Jay!! (Saw your post in the other thread already, posted a little reply there too!)
  12. WOW!! I never even thought about the glove thing! Ya know, some folks just might like having those available for handling the trash. Good idea, bring 'em along!!
  13. I actually looked that one up in the dictionary to make sure I had it spelled right! Yep, I agree, trying to keep it easy so DDR gets the credit for the total bags collected and peeps get the raffle tickets they're entitled to. Not to mention, Dumont gets the good cleaning it is SO in need of and deserves!! Rest assured, there will be plenty of fire!! He's at his bro's house as I type, chopping away, with help from a chainsaw of course! DDR isn't gonna be the only group out there, so I'm really curious how smooth the sign-up portion of the event is going to be, or NOT!
  14. Thanks Jay!! It sure would make it really easy if we get to do it that way. Everyone would have their raffle tickets in hand already. Then all that would be left to do is truck the trash to the big dumpster, tally the total bags collected, and head over for the raffle drawing and lunch.
  15. COOL!! Yup, we're leaving on Thurs. too, but not 'til about 3:00. Gotta wait 'til school lets out since we're letting them ditch on Friday. It would be nice to hook up for some come on over!! P.S. We met you on the Sperry Wash run, but not the wifey, remember?
  16. I got left out too!! But at least Davey got an honerable mention.
  17. At least he's not wearing that geeky ol' white motorcycle helmet anymore!!! (Thanx to you two) Gotta love the jacket tho, can see him a mile away, even in the dark or the dust!
  18. I was gonna say that pic 'bout sums it up in a nutshell, BUT....................... Am I the only one that thinks that "chick" looks an awful lot like Michael Jackson?!?
  19. The whole point about having designated drop sites strategically placed is so that peeps have more time to collect and will spend less time riding back and forth to the main dumpsters. Only so much trash can be carried on quads, bikes, etc. at a time. Rhinos have a definant advantage! Plus, we're only talking 1 person per spot.
  20. Great minds think alike!! I was thinking the same thing, get an early start getting everyone settled in. It would be REALLY cool if we got together Friday night to shore up plans. Does the sign in start right at 8:00, or is there some leeway on that? Sounds time consuming.
  21. Yeah, as of right now, getting the raffle tickets to the rightful owners is the only "problem area". Either way, seperate drop sites or the big dumpster, we can log the screename (too many same 1st names on here) for each bag they turn in. Easy enough to tally up the total bags turned in by DDR as a whole.
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