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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. barefootbob: the colodas will be in the next episode of as the sand blows, and the smurf.................................... maybe your dog to he was cool Hmmm, is that a good thing?!? Somehow I doubt it.
  2. If one had ANY smarts, they wouldn't even attempt those hills without a roll cage!! Just my opinion.
  3. I bet that was the incident we saw the quads with lights and sirens heading to, then two ranger vehicles followed and all of them were haulin' a$$ over to that area. Probably 5 or 6 emergency vehicles altogether FLYING across the flats to get there. Heard the chopper a short time after.
  4. She told Justin's girlfriend she had grand kids older than her, so that's where it got started. Well, that and the fact she took the little ones under her (wounded) wing and played hostess to Justin's friends that were camping with just their trucks. Very generous of her since she had never met them before this weekend!!
  5. It's interesting that you should ask this question. I was going to post it in my observations about all the trucks attempting to dune and the many, MANY we passed by dug in so deep it was gonna take a small miracle to get them out. Heading back to camp late Sunday afternoon, we came across one right in the middle of a high traffic area apparently waiting for a flatbed. Probably left there from the night before, a tow strap still on the front end, no driver nearby and the front tires practically facing eachother. That had to hurt.
  6. I totally agree with you, it is a catch 22. We continue to clean up after the litter bugs, they'll only take it for granted that someone will do it for them. It's just like raising kids, the more you do FOR them, the less they will do for themselves. I like the idea of littering fines. Hit 'em where it hurts....the pocket. However, we already know for a fact that enforcement is few and far between. They will fine you for glass bottles in your posession, chase you down for not having a flag, a proper tailight, etc., but I personally have never seen a ranger chase someone down for leaving their damn garbage behind. Davey and I were on our quads and talked about cruising up and down looking for "peeps" and I jokingly said, "Yeah, and holler at everyone we pass by to pick up their trash!" Probably would have gotten our a$$es kicked.
  7. As we were leaving comp Sat night, I started tossing beer cans near our little spot into my big-a$$ quad bag. Was stopping every couple of feet and realized I was fighting a losing battle!
  8. We were camped SOOOOO far out, I didn't think we could make it to the S. pole BEfore everyone started to leave. Headed straight out the back way to the N. pole instead and hung out a looooooonnnnnnggggg time waiting for folks to roll in. Saw Blondie first but no Jackie. Chatted with Pete and Mike a bit. Then the buggies started rolling in, everyone BUT Rebecca and Dan. The kids were bored to death, so we took off and rode the little hills over to Comp....busiest I think I've ever seen it in daylight hours!! Stayed long enough to drink a soda and took off to finish our run-for-the-day. Turned out to be the only run for the blue Trailblazer....riding with the wind at your back makes for one HOT quad.
  9. I'm glad I decided to head on out this weekend, even tho it was an abbreviated trip for me and the kiddos. It was a bit warm on Saturday, but not intolerable, especially when you're riding. Arrived a little later than I had planned, so after lunch we headed straight to the N. Pole to meet up with the DDR peeps. Finally met barefoot Bob, who was wearing flip-flops, That buggy of his is awesome!! Met Randog too, he's a cool guy and the pics don't do justice to his car, either. It was also great to see Kirk, as in Captain out there, and Mike(156) still smilin'! Didn't catch Jackie (DUNESMURF) or Dan-the-man Saturday so we went camp-hopping on Sunday, but no one was home. Got my DDR window stickers though!!! Thanks Pete, I guess we caught you atta good time. Saturday night at comp was NUTS!! We got there a little after 9:00, apparently just after an accident, saw the rail ambulance flying up to the scene. Lotta close calls on the hill that night. Sometimes rails and quads just DON'T mix! Add alcohol, well, 'nuff said. Heard Rhinos and rails don't mix either, but the Rhino came out ahead (not the driver, however, got his azz beat up from the rail driver). Word has it it turned into one hell of a brawl! Blew up 2 quads this weekend, daughter's trailblazer and Davey cooked the Banshee AGAIN. But no bodily injuries, so I'm MORE than thankful!!
  10. They definately had their hands full!! Just after the kids and I got there Sat. morning (11:30), the chopper was taking off. Word from one of my son's friends camping with us was someone on a 2-wheeler had broke their neck and was paralyzed. Kenny (yamapimp) has a scanner and he was by camp last night for a visit in his new Rhino. He confirmed the fatality on Saturday. Judy (our camp grand-mama, still recovering from her dislocated shoulder from Tday weekend) counted 5 times Sat the chopper in and out. Considering ALL those people out there this weekend, if only 1 fatality, I think that's fairly good odds. Doesn't, of course, include all the ambulance rides and broken bones. Always sad to hear that kind of news.
  11. Some kid, and I DO mean kid (looked maybe 17), came by our group Sat. night and invited us over to the "bar". We were like, "Uuhhhhh, no thanks dude!!"
  12. The road (ride) out there is half the fun for us! We call it the "drag strip" 'cause we like to race eachother out there. It's wide open, visibility is usually good, and plenty of room to get away from oncoming traffic. It gets rocky, but we don't run paddles anyway.
  13. Yeppers, we are. Between school and work, leaving today wasn't gonna work out. Davey is getting an early start, me and the kiddos will head out a little later. Hmmmm, wish the season pass covered two vehicles!!
  14. I thought that too when I found it! I still like this one for the smiley list, too! I know, I know waaaayyyy
  15. Just once?! All you guys think it's hilarious!
  16. Yeppers!! Probably won't make it to the potluck, but me and Davey are coming over for the par-tay!!!
  17. What's so funny is that it is completely true!! Me and Davey right there. Must be a man thing, crawl under the covers and immediately fart, flap the covers, and gross out the wife! P.S. I'm glad you enjoy it.
  18. :praying: Certainly don't want to watch that helicopter flying in and out this weekend!! I hope everyone has a great and safe trip!! Seeya at the dunes!
  19. Hey Cole, I guess that means me and Davey will leave a little later then....don't want to have an hour head start on ya!
  20. Well then Ken, you don't have an excuse not to come by then!!
  21. We rode the Sperry wash AND rode our a$$es off, thank you very much!! We, meaning hubby, kiddos and myself got there Thurs morning and killed a tank of gas each by that night alone! By the time we got home Sun night, I was toast!! Off weekends ROCK! (I am completely spoiled now)I'll take 'em over a big holiday anytime.
  22. Gotta hand to ya Nick, you throw in some zingers now and then!!
  23. Hey Chase, by the way, NO ALLOWED!!!!!!!
  24. I know what you mean Kayla, twist throttles aren't very forgiving! Easy to gas it instead of backing off, been there, done that!!
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