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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. Well, if you got HURT, you'd have to sell your bike to buy the wheelchair!! :rainbow1:
  2. This topic is pinned you silly man!! :rainbow1:
  3. Damn Cole, 3 strikes and you're out!! Glad it didn't get any worse! Take care dude!
  4. I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't hit yee ol' refresh button. Sounds cool, I'll let Davey know!
  5. WOW, that's a quick reply! We just might take you up on that Pete, as long as it's not in the soft stuff...hate gettin' that rig-o-ours stuck!
  6. We did that run on T-day weekend, well almost. Gotta late start due to an injury to one of our group, so we turned back before hitting the mine. Had about 30 min. ride left to get there, but we were losin' daylight quickly and decided to turn back, really didn't want to ride home in the dark. I still wanna do the whole trail one of these days!
  7. (LOVE this copy and paste,LOL): That's the same weekend our next trip is planned for. Teacher in service days Thurs and Fri, no school, so we'll be headin' out either Wed evening or early Thurs morning, return sometime Sunday. Gotta take advantage of those 4 day weekends!! Don't know yet if our 'regular' group is headin' out too, so we may be solo campers yet again. Oh well, had a BLAST last off weekend, expect the same for this one. Lots-o-riding time!
  8. That's berry interesting, I brought bowling up the other night at HMS! I bowl about as often as I play pool, just for fun and very little technique! I'll check with Davey, sounds like a good time!
  9. Been there!! It is awesome, but it's for trailriding (miles and miles of 'em), not sand and buggies. Hoping to get there again this summer. We stayed at Big Rock Candy Mountain, I guess they have changed the name since '05, had the full hookups, so it made for a great weeks' stay!
  10. Damn Dan, that IS a sweet Rhino!! Didn't see the pics before HMS last night. Definately love the silver. Think she'll take me out for a run in it next trip out to the dunes!?! :dance: Jennifer
  11. Had a GREAT time last night! Kirk and Janet ( I hope I'm spelling her name right), couple of really COOL peeps! Enjoyed the conversation and the immensely! Dan, glad Jennifer came out with you. She is so quiet compared to you, :dance: Oh yeah, thanks for the pool "tips", that was too funny! I haven't played pool in many moons, got a couple of lucky shots in there! Hope to do it again soon!
  12. Don't know if you're gonna check the site again tonight, but here goes anyway... We will be there but probably closer to 8:00, have to get the kiddos settled before we head out. See you a bit later!
  13. Kirk! Hey, if YOU are gonna be there, Davey and I would make plans just to come out to a few with you!
  14. That's the same weekend our next trip is planned for. Teacher in service days Thurs and Fri, no school, so we'll be headin' out either Wed evening or early Thurs morning, return sometime Sunday. Gotta take advantage of those 4 day weekends!! :monkeedance2: Don't know yet if our 'regular' group is headin' out too, so we may be solo campers yet again. Oh well, had a BLAST last off weekend, expect the same for this one. Lots-o-riding time!
  15. Anybody up for this Saturday night?!? Stacey, you plannin' on celebrating the new job? If so, Dave and I will surely buy ya a drinky or two! Post up if anyone is interested.
  16. Davey promise me one thing, if I EVER try to leave the house wearing something like that, you'll either shoot me or send me to the looney bin!
  17. Hiya Jeff...sounds like things are going O.K. for you. Healing can really take along time. Here's hoping it doesn't come to surgery, or the healing process will begin all over again! Good luck, don't over do it, and take care!! Kelly
  18. I bet they could get away from the cops easily!
  19. I was waitin' for that or one of them to fly off!
  20. Hmmm, I like that saying!! May have to use it occasionally, LOL, if you have no objection, that is!
  21. I have to agree with both of you!!
  22. So I see I'm not the only one that refers to the kiddos as the ducklings! I was tempted to create a screename like "caboosemom" since it seems I'm usually the one bringing up the rear! What really pisses me off is when some dweeb decides to cut thru my little row of ducks instead of waiting or going around them!!!! One of these days I'm gonna chase one of 'em down and give them a piece of my mind, or 2 or 3.
  23. Was this directed at us?? Anyway, we didn't purchase an extended warranty. That's why I say we were REALLY LUCKY that Thor decided to take on the job. At first they wanted the hauler to go to them in CA, but my hubby continued to haggle (nag) and they let Johnnie Walker do the work here in Vegas, that's where we bought it from. I assume if the "damage" had been caused by us, they wouldn't have been willing to cover it.
  24. I probably did! But then again, I try not to block Davey's view when he's haulin' DA BEAST. There was alot of traffic Friday, rush hour? It's always a b*tch pulling the rig back out into traffic, especially when there is only ONE traffic light in town! Gotta love those DDR trailer decals!!
  25. We always remind our kids that! Especially our youngest on the 90. He gets frustrated sometimes 'cause he can't go as fast as the bigger quads. I have to remind him that there is always me or daddy behind him and he will never be left behind! He still surprises me on some hills he can take.
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