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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. It's gonna be cold here in Vegas!! Thinkin' we should all drop everything, tell the bosses "I'm sick", load the trailers up tonight, head out early in the a.m. Still gonna be great weather until that storm system hits this weekend! :monkeedance2:
  2. That's interesting you should mention that. With the new laws on public notification and such, one of my sisters and her hubby received a flyer about a tier 3 sex offender down the street and around the corner from them. (Big family oriented neighborhood.) Had his mugshot on it, etc. They keep it posted on the fridge. BTW, tier 3=most likely to re-offend!!
  3. I agree with Kayla, sssuuuurrrreee, use the kids as an excuse! :mc_smiley:
  4. :mc_smiley: Cole, you did it again!! I about fell off this stool laughing!
  5. After finding out from my nephew that my daughter (only 12 at the time, supposed to be minimum 16??) had an account, Davey and I about blew a gasket!! We sat BOTH daughters down to more than one episode of Dateline, the 'To Catch a Predator' series. Believe you me, we discussed this issue OVER and OVER. I'm certain it scared the crap outta both of them. They really had no clue how dangerous the internet can be. Needless to say, she has since cancelled that account.
  6. If he doesn't, I will. :mc_smiley:
  7. We mount those tires on County vehicles all the time. Get lots of driver requests for them. They usually wear out before they blow out. Just my .02.
  8. I was watching it, but it froze up...got passed it, then it did it again. Couldn't get it to play. I'm gonna try it again when I have more time to watch the rest of it. Have seen many documentaries on the fall of the towers, but NOT once have I ever heard the implosion theory!! VERY interesting...and scary!
  9. They are great dogs!! The personalities in these hounds are amazing. We had one years ago when I was in jr. high, she didn't know she was a dog, thought she was just one of the kids!!
  10. dinicolady


    Don't gamble very often, and I never win 'big', but the way I see it, as long as the machine lets me play for awhile, that and "keep the drinks pouring", I feel like I come out ahead.
  11. dinicolady


    I guess we know who's buyin' the drinks tonite!!! :jester: :dance: :jester:
  12. Hmmm, not a bad idea, LOL! Naaaa, gonna have an early dinner with Davey's branch of the family tree, then head over after that. Looking forward to it! Isn't this the place we're supposed to wear our DDR colors?!
  13. TOO CUTE!! Basset Hounds, right??
  14. Me and Daveydunes are gonna try to come out....been wantin' to meet ya Woody ...BUT my father-in-law is in town, so still waiting to see what's up with him for tonight.
  15. dinicolady


    That's because he's a tourist!! They seem to get all the luck! :dance:
  16. LOVE R/M ATV!! Order bunches from them, gets here within 2 days, best price I've found for gear and such.
  17. YES!! I was beginning to wonder if the video was a joke and they were just gonna sit there the whole damn time!! :dance:
  18. It would really put ya to the test if we finally upload some pics on here and share an avatar! :jester:
  19. I had an '88 Burb with the 454, my "green beast", and always said it got 9mpg on a good day! It also got to the point, sink some $$$ into it or get rid of it....got rid of it when I bought my '02 Burb brand new. Don't miss the ol' biotch one bit!
  20. That's SOOOO COOL!! Kids that age need an adult they can trust to confide in...so many of them go home to an empty house after school. Too many parents these days are not tuned into their kids. Someone needs to be!
  21. Cole, you are SOOOOO cruel!! (I thought Davey was gonna fall off this stool watchin' that chit!)
  22. Hear hear!!! I 2nd that motion!
  23. Thank you for that information, but I was actually refering to motorcycles as for the helmet law. My hubby and I are up there every year for the 'Thunder on the Mountain' run, and many, MANY riders from NV do not where helmets up there. We do because it's just not a chance we are willing to take. The one time we camped up there with kids and quads, it made no difference to us, law or not, we ALWAYS wear helmets when riding.
  24. I think education would make more of a difference. Similar to driver's ed; let the parents see the results of what could happen should they allow their kids to ride unprotected, and themselves for that matter! People keep talking about these mandatory safety courses for ATV buyers, but are they learning anything? Driving it in a parking lot, turning around, and proving that you can stop the thing, IMO, is not safety training!! To get a motorcycle license, which you know full well, Justin, you spend class time and THEN you are put thru a riding course. I don't hear of classes like that being offered to ATV riders.
  25. YES it is FUNNY!! The look on its face...priceless! Love my kitties, but I doubt either one would have sat still for that photo op!!
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