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Everything posted by TCS T

  1. GOOD F'N JOB PETE!!! That is freakin' perfect! I have got to put this deal together, It looks like you guys are gonna have to come over to my camp for movie night!!!!!
  2. Hey King, I will give you .50 cents for the steelers mug if you disinfect it first!
  3. Here is your oppourtunity to own some vintage artifacts. I'm not sure what you would want them for, but I would like to get some money for them. Thank You for looking!
  4. Who here can Photoshop the TV into the bed of my truck so I can check out the look before I make the final deal on this BadBoy?
  5. This Sh*t is getting to rich for my blood Kenny! Maybe we can partner up on this BadBoy!
  6. Hey Kenny that is a great idea for Big Red, a Big Screen! Hey Midnight will you take $34.85 for it!
  7. No, your not out of your mind! Yes, you can retain the same payload capacity. Give me a call if you need someone to build your truck the correct way for towing and style. Travis 702-436-6777 (The Custom Shop)
  8. You guys Knock it off! I think this guy is serious!
  9. Back in 2000 I had a 2001 FB3000 Weekend Warrior custom built for me with all kinds of extra bells and whistles (Huge generator, 2 fuel stations, 3000 watt exterior sound system, 3000 watt interior sound system, 50 amp service, extra air conditioning, etc.etc...) which equalled a whole bunch of extra weight! I was able to carry (1) 5 seat Tatum car and (1) extended length banshee. I towed it with a 2001 Chevy HD crewcab short box 8.1 ltr V8 Allison 5 speed auto tranny, the truck had a twelve inch lift and 39" Mickey Thompson tires with 4:56 gearing. I towed all over the place, I never got stuck and it towed just fine! (Although it was not the quickest setup over the hills) I hope this information helps in your quest for a lifted tow rig and trailer!
  10. Yeah Kenny, then you could of bought a sandcar and had space to tow it!
  11. You think that's funny? My dad had that exact TV for years! I almost want to buy it for reminiscing about the good old days!
  12. That thing ran pretty good up the hill though! Would you quit talking about the HP and just DO IT ALLREADY!
  13. What the Sh*t! That gave me a headache behind my left eye! Thanks alot! :mc_smiley:
  14. Those are some sick sleds! :mc_smiley:
  15. -If you can't/won't leave Sunday to head home for work on Monday. Instead you sit around and enjoy the campfire one more night. Then have to wake up at 4:55 AM and book it straight to work this morning from the dunes! That's what I'm talking about!!!!! P.S. You guy's all missed the nicest night (Sun.) I have seen out there in a very long time!
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