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Everything posted by TCS T

  1. The Rhino definately holds a strong place in my arsenal! (it is the only consistant one at this point!) P.S. If you think this is silly? You should of seen my buddy Josh on my TTR125LE, he would get about a mile run 4th gear pinned :mc_smiley: and air that bad boy out about 48-55 ft! I wish I had the camera, it was freakin' ridiculous!
  2. So now that you have made it up Comp Hill and also managed to roll that bad boy! All your fears should be behind you! I say you should be ready to take it to the next level! How about a 45' pegged finger jump next?
  3. Any color you personally like! Definately paint the car it looks much better than the vinyl stuff! Just my .02
  4. Damn, I Hate seeing those kind of pics.! But it is a good reminder for Safety First!
  5. Yeah, I do the work. I have a couple left that I might part with. I also have tons of used parts and stuff!
  6. Nice, it looks like a Turn Key by the pullies?
  7. HOLY SH*T! Nice pics! That picture where he looks like he is laying back flat in the car is spooky! What is up with that? Did the seat break backwards? Lap belt let loose? Do you have any info on that pic., or am I just seeing things?
  8. All loaded and ready to roll! See ya there Kenny!
  9. -if you spend as much time loading, prepping, and maintaining your sand equipment, as you do working at your job weekly!
  10. "We could all never have as much fun as you now could we" Blah-Blah-Blah!
  11. Blah Blah Blah! Just man up and do what ever you want! Your the only one that can make a call like this
  12. Your right Pete, that definately looks like more fun than the lake?
  13. Yeah Boy! Loading the trailer tomorrow night, 2 days till take off!!!!!!!!!
  14. You have a key to your buggy? :huh: That key looks like it belongs to a castle, rather than a bad a$$ car such as yours! Sorry Aaron I'm more of a XXX rated kinda guy, I like my naked chicks Hardcore!!
  15. He probably wouldn't try running over a Phat Sack at Comp hill drunk, and cause you $2000 worth of damage! OOOHHHHH! Sorry Log (I mean Tod)!!!! :huh:
  16. Hey Kenny, Your avatar is flippin' awesome!!!!!!!
  17. What the Hell is going on there on the wing? :huh: And where are the Nips?
  18. FK and the Chopper Bunch! (If you don't know F*ckin' Kenny, it dont make sense)
  19. That was a good weekend! The other little dude in Kenny's Rhino is my nephew Kaden! Starting them off early, just the way it should be!
  20. Once again, Self apointed King! :headbang:
  21. I hope he's still not there waiting for somebody to help him out!
  22. Hey Aaron, That thing turned out awesome! Congratulations!
  23. Not at all! Come on over and throw down with us! I will even supply the booze! :headbang:
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