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Everything posted by EY3BA11

  1. bert i think 31's would be the biggest i would go with that plust its about the biggest you will be able to fit under there unless you go Solid Axle
  2. EY3BA11


    looks like a knappy headed hoe with her pony tail hanging out... sorry had to do it for don imus
  3. there has always been something about lisa kudrow that did it for me..
  4. 1.6ltr 16 valve jobber.. or is it the 2ltr thingy... i had the 1.6 16 valve in my sammy loved it when i drove it Was always afraid of dumpin the clutch and snappin axles... something bout big tires tiny axles and a decent amount of torque that just didnt go together..
  5. Craig and rancho sounds like cdavego
  6. Alot of people drive white chevy's gonna have to be more specific.. Crew Cab, Ext Cab, Long bed short bed
  7. EY3BA11


    Marketing aint it a b*tch sometimes!!!
  8. EY3BA11


    Who says they are going to fight the fight.. Can they prove it.. Are they trying to say that the orginizations out there arent doing a good job.. Why dont they just become involved in those orginizations.. Until we see some form of breakdown as to where the funds are being allocated the only thing i can think of is high administrative costs which means its goin in someones pocket one way or the other. What happend to Duners, the TRT and orginizations of that matter that are there to fight the fight for the members... Why dont people support them. I know as a website we SUPPORT anyone and everyone involved in the fight to keep dumont open. As a buisness (not really) we have donated to FoDD we have participated we have tried to make their life easier to fight the fight.. Are we charging for it.. Nope! dammit now im done :ahhhhh:
  9. EY3BA11


    come on shawn get your i know you wanna chime in..
  10. EY3BA11


    Guess i need to chime in on this. DDR was formed by a great fella with an awesome idea. A Very informational site about dumont dunes that would be a free public service to its users. Having moderated, administrated, created a ton of other forums in the past i dont expect ANYTHING from our members. If our members ever want to pitch in great.. Just pitch in by helping other duners or by helping out dumont in some way. I do not expect to recieve any form of compensation for running this wonderful site nor do i expect contributions to cover running costs. This is my way of saying THANK YOU for everyone who does an awesome job keeping dumont as beautiful and clean and respected as it is. You are right NEVER is a pretty harsh word i guess i should it should be worded "I will not charge any one person to use this forum as a form of personal gain!" As the math was done earlier if every member on GD paid the 5.95 a month thats almost 1million dollars a year! granted that will never happen but even then with their paid sponsorships (which more than enough cover the running costs) You know alot of that money is going in someones pocket. They might say ohh its going back into the dunes or back into the members but how... They have no way of showing how the funds are deligated.. I for one would love to know how much of that goes towards Administrative costs.. Look at some of the other Non Profit orginizations and how high their administrative costs are vs how much actually goes to the cause. Ok
  11. What about the river crossing and high waters during the rainy season... How cost effective would it be to have to replace a washed out road all the time.. Are they going to build the crossing to have this in mind. A decent moving body of water will destroy anything in its path if not built right.... Look at what was it pres weekend a few years back where you were lucky if you made it thru cuz the river was running so wide?
  12. For a crash course your doin damn good i like it just need to lengthen the slides a bit remember the click and drag in the timeframe i showed ya
  13. good job.. some of the transitions were a bit fast... but good job..
  14. Its not the car im worried about joe.. its the nut behind the wheel that bothers me... So when you gonna take me for a ride..
  15. First instinct is to recommend the custom shop.. I see alot of their stuff running around and they did dunefreaks truck and looks good. Other than that i dont know who i would go to, to not get a run of the mill i think im ase certified mechanic to put a lift on. I dont know if the custom shops guys are ASE certified but they definatley know what they are doing when it comes to lifts...
  16. I dont think i have any real Phobias... I get startled every now and again.. guess thats what i get for growin up in the country.. exposed to all kinds of stuff.
  17. Cole i will PM you how to get those... They are readily availible as well
  18. EY3BA11


    it might get that big but I will never charge members to use this site..
  19. Settle down dunefreak he isnt that advanced yet.. I had to give him a tutorial on how to upload pictures to the gallery earlier...
  20. EY3BA11


    You can say that again... being called a effin wussy, and to watch your back by moderators over there cuz rub them the wrong way isnt exactly my idea of fun!!! they can keep their 5.95 ill go browse someone elses for sale ad's..
  21. Yup thats a aftermarket brand... I can find out what a OEM one would cost ya if you would like
  22. EY3BA11


    As your site administrator I VOW TO NEVER CHARGE A DDR MEMBER TO ACCESS THIS AWESOME SITE!!! That is crap... i for one will not be paying for it...
  23. your more than welcome to throw your bike in the back of my truck and roll.. you need a 2 wheeler trip anyhow.
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