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Everything posted by EY3BA11

  1. You sure they gonna fit!!
  2. i can check and see how much a belt will run ya pete if you would like
  3. Ill watch both of them for ya any time
  4. If memory serves me right that one the EMS crews CUT the cage apart to get the ocupants out who survived they crashed and walked away zero chassis flex or not the frame did its job
  5. That and with the low side's it makes it easier for us fat folk to get into em
  6. awweee look perfect match for jim... both deaf as a doorknob!!
  7. they red stickered my 02 WR426 at first then 2 months later i got a letter in the mail with my green sticker..
  8. i needed to stop and borrow an oxegyn tank from the fire guys after following to close to wingnut and dunefreak!!! next time ill roll my windows up!
  9. because you have a retarded picture of your self on your MYSPAAAAAAAAACE page and a few of us thought it would be hilarious to do it... im sorry dan i will never mess with you again... :mc_smiley: well at least for today.
  10. http://my.break.com/media/view.aspx?ContentID=180646
  11. http://www.break.com/index/martin_scorcese...me_streets.html HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA hahahahahahahahah
  12. The bud light commercial and the pillow biter was effin hilarious... dude cried like a little b*tch HAHA
  13. ISBB in 20 years after eating Hot Rod Grille's chicken nacho's!!
  14. Look at the mods and how he jetted it.. if he added K&N's and Pipes and dropped a jet from stock it would be leaner... or am i thinking too much into this...
  15. There is a boat broaker out in BoulderCity that might be able to help.. I wanna say boulderboats.com
  16. Sounds like your too lean what do the plugs look like!
  17. i just got one thing to say about coles leg... At least you can stand up to pee... try that with 2 broken ankles not fun! Heal up fast dude..
  18. Shitttttty dude... Heal quick.. If ya need anyone to keep your bike uhh runnin for ya ill be sure to make sure it gets a workout while your healing.. If ya need anything gimme a ring even though im on the other side of the country ill drive up to help a guy out!
  19. Saw a few ddr members in there... was a cool piece.. DDR got plugged on TV woot..
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