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Everything posted by EY3BA11

  1. EY3BA11


    If i had any of their phone numbers do you tink i would have posted this!
  2. Damn nice wheelies gentleman.. Sand~~Snake you keep jumping your car like that it will be sitting next to black beauty in no time!!!!!!!
  3. yup 2 dumb a$$ mistakes kept me from goin... Woohooo lets go home and put my parts on my bike and load up... get home wheres my parts fk on my desk at work and everyone with keys bailed to cali to go riding... ohh well fug it load up and roll wait better check the fundage situtation... negative WHAT!!! holy sh*t im f*cked!! so yup i screwed up.
  4. EY3BA11


    Anyone seen this guy.. I have his hitch hauler in my garage and sent a couple pm's but havent heard from him.. Need to get this thing back to him and outta my geeerage
  5. Melissa the wife used to work at Hilton Grand on the strip.. LOL Nice place
  6. Iweb its called TurboLiner and its a hot system not the cold systems like these other mom and pop type shops. This stuff is sprayed on just like Rhino/Linex with damn near the same thickness and textures. Ken and Jerry have put alot of Thought and research into which Liner they wanted to do and picked the more expensive BUT the BEST route for doing truck bed liners. I cant wait to be one of the first to have my truck backed into his paint booth to get that stock plastic liner ripped out and a real liner put in...
  7. Duck Tape.. It works. I have had nothing but good experience's with the vendors.. Everything from the ice guy to Sand Crazed ( who paid for HALF of the free DDR Shirts at the cleanup ) to hog heaven and other food vendors everyone has been great to deal with.
  8. EY3BA11


    There is a story.. Short version dont worry about it. I will close this thread and monkie you dont have to log into the admin section to close a thread just go back to the forum where this thread is and click on the envelope / folder to the left of the thread and walla closed easy. Anyhow it is something that is being delt with and of no concern to you guys
  9. there goes the submarine!!!
  10. This weekend is looking like my last trip for me! Stupid money tree died in the back yard!
  11. Then it would be alot more intresting? What if my eyeball stopped being wounded?
  12. if you would have been about 20 min earlier you would have seen me blastin down the 15 on my way to work lol
  13. I have 2 tents you can borrow.. well 3 if you have a 1/4 ton
  14. :dance: :mic: I gotta hear why... Motorcycles have been STRAPPING down their suspensions for years loading them in the trucks and they dont affect the valving at all.. how in the hell is it going to make a diffrence to strap down a rhino overnight to get it in and out of a hauler???
  15. i bet midknight could fix it up... I know i could my dad is a tv repair man and he has a neat bag of tools.. I also stayed at a holiday inn last night!!
  16. Once you start modding a bike down goes the reliability... I have had the same bike for 4 years and this year is the first time i actually had to drop some form of money into it (60 master cylinder). Ride it like it is and be greatful you have a bitchen bike!
  17. for 5 gallon drums go to Alien Motors on dean martin and russleish.. for large quantitys try that haycock petroleum, or if your lucky enough you can find 100octain at very very very select few rebel stations around the valley. If all else fails the search button on here works pretty good as this has been discussed numerous times
  18. im countin down the days till my parts get here then the day its gonna take for me to put it on then im going to dumont.. See ya at C9 I will be out saturday.. Day trip for me.
  19. Good news New place for oil filters 3 doors down from your shop.. LOL
  20. Kirk you cant sell yours man... you got a bad a$$ funco as well
  21. ZukiFreak did the same with his moho. His LPG tanks were towards the front of the hauler so he just installed a T tap or something like that and had a longer hose that put the grill right at the nose of the moho and was able to BBQ without the grill under the awning was a pretty sweet setup
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