All i can say is what a damn good time!!!
My bike stayed together the entire weekend!! Cooling issues are OVER WOOHOO!! I burned 5 gallons of gas and it didnt turn into a lawn sprinkler lol.
Sand was SUPER soft and witch's eyes everywhere. Thought we were gonna die a few times on saturday s mid day right. Noon with super powdery and whiteout conditions in most spots made for a slow sketchy ride on the 2 wheelers. For a group of us that are usually 4-5 gear cruisers i dont think we got out of third and that was pushing it for the conditions it was pretty bad.
Justin aka SandSaw aka dinicolada and dinicolady's son aka anorexic a-hole has some footage of our ride where i end up eating it behind comp. You can see where my front wheel just sunk past the front axle and launched me over the bars lol
Skinner and ninjagreengirl hooked it up on the hospitality tent this weekend for me and i wanna thank them for lettin me crash on their couch
Whens the next trip.. Im ready!!