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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. I just had a flash back of the movie Grease
  2. The circus Farkas family will be there
  3. You have some nice looking bikes there.It looks like you dropped alot of $$$$$ into those bikes
  4. I am right there on that one with ya :surrender:
  5. Ditto^^^^^^^^^^^^on every word you wrote.
  6. Congrats Pete, Nick and Anna You guy's did well with this site.And everyone on here are great people.
  7. Congrats Kelly,I am very happy for you I know how long you have been waiting.Nice Bike :mischevious:
  8. But It didn't do it on anyother site I pulled up last night, even when I am home skys,my moms and sisters login names are all over my computer but on DDR when I go to log on only mine and chris's name will pop up to decide who wants to log in because we are the only ones whoever logged on to DDR.So with that explained, there were three other people who logged on to DDR from here.Done................... :whacky101: Who cares, I am still freezing and I want to go outside and smoke and I just can't seem to get myself there
  9. LMAO :whacky101: .That was good skyz Pete sorry to hear about your hauler and Jim stop breaking the cherry
  10. So did you give him your hat? :whacky101:
  11. Well if you were there with 3 kids than so was I :whacky101:
  12. Check this out!I am stuck in Sprinfield Missouri due to an ice storm :whacky101: So I am staying at a hotel by the airport and I get on there computer (The Hotels)and I log on to DDR and when I go to type in my name 3 other differnt names pop up as if somebody else who stayed at this hotel logged onto DDR from here.Well Pete it shows you how far DDR goes Everyone enjoy your weekend as I am freezing my tootsies off
  13. Welcome Back Daniel,great to see how well you are doing.
  14. Great to hear Raymond is doing well Ryan well done for stepping up and helping this boy out
  15. Glad to see you guys had a good time and it sounds like it was a safe weekend.
  16. That is a cool looking pic Ken.
  17. Danielle


    Right There with ya Bob Been sick with a bad flu,today is the first day I feel alittle better,I haven't worked all week.And now Tristan has it.So that is what my valentines day consisted of,We also dont really celebrate V Day as it is Skylar's Birthday so that day has alway's been her day.And this B-day she got short changed with me being sick.
  18. We have done easter and the weather was fine.
  19. golf baby,golf I also like the shooting game on wii play,chris likes the tank game on wii play and they all love the game crash.I have stayed up till the wee hours playing the shooting game,my top score is 530.I still need to beat that.
  20. Talking to Chris about clean up weekend.Are you going?And if so are you bringing the kids?
  21. You guys all have a great weekend next week and be safe
  22. Yes i was just talking to Chris about that last night about going with you guys and camping with ya(Like how I invite ourselves : ).What are the dates again???
  23. No it is Skylar's 12th birthday on the 14th and we are celebrating it that weekend.I was just talking to Chris tonight about figuring out when we were going again before it get's to warm.
  24. I am sure you will scare the sh*t out of my kids
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