I was just about to say why didn't you tell me this yesterday.....but than I remembered you did.
I just get all frazzled when it comes to computer issues
Oh yes I am here,life has been crazy lately,I just had a good friend who Chris and I grew up with in cali who lives in vegas,decide to end her life
But I have been on briefly
I found this website that is a chat forum kinda like DDR.
You can post any problems you might be having with your computer for help etc.
God knows I need it
Well they just helped me with one and it worked
So I thought I would pass the info on.
I hope it helps any of you if ever needed.
Yes I am not comfortable with that as well.Growing up in southern cali that is what me and all my friends had as first cars and we all survived,but now being a parent I am not comfortable with her driving anything but a tank and rubber bumpers all over the exterior of the car.
That is a nice VW.My first car was a restored 1969 VW and loved it.Chris wants to get one and restore it for Sky for her first car,but I dont think the VW is practical for vegas due to the extreme heat in summer.
Those are some pretty bad looking pictures,glad to see that everyone came out of it in good shape.With the way the truck looks you would think someone would be hurt pretty bad.someone was defiantly watching over them.
I am sorry to hear about your son's accident,and glad to hear he will be ok.I have a friend who's son broke the same bone but he was only 4 at the time and the healing process on that type of break is a long.....recovery.And I would assume a 4 year old would heal alot faster than an 18 year old Best of luck to your sons recovery.
I am curious Do you men actually have to place them there in order to get that look or is that just what happens when you wear pants that are to tight?????It sure looks mighty uncomfortable kinda like a wedgie.