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Everything posted by Danielle
I just told Chris that we have to drain the hot water heater.We have never done that before and Thank God no problems.So how and where do we drain the hot water heater???? Thanks
I got Ron Paul on the republican side and Richardson on the Dem side,but he is out.Alot people have said Ron Paul wont last but who is to say I guess will find out in the end when the last man or woman is standing. If you check back on the link in a week or so it will be updated to who is still running and they will minus out the ones that dropped out and than you can retake the quiz and see where you land than.When I did it there were alot more people running it took me an hour to read through them all and test the Dem side as well as the Repub side to see where I landed
We just drained the trailer from our last trip last weekend and last night as Chris and I were going to bed i said to him we have a full black tank and grey tank and still alittle left in the fresh water tank.Thank God when he dumped today it was smooth sailing or we would of had a serious Shi**er problem It is Cold..........
Gerald I remember it saying that if you dont agree with any of the choices on 1 or more subject you just skip to the next page.I think
If you looked to the right after you did the quiz it should show you a bar of who you scored the highest with and agreed with the most.I did it over a week ago when there was more candidates running it took awhile but i thought it was interesting as well.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/polit.../candidatequiz/ This sight I put on here is not start any political I put it on cause I think most of you would find it interesting to see who you score the highest with after you take the quiz. Enjoy
Good one Mark :porn:
Here is the latest update I just read on caringbridge. THURSDAY, JANUARY 03, 2008 11:54 PM, PST Hello Everyone!!! Major News will be Reported Somewhere in this Post for Ms. Cooper & Ms. Norton’s Class. You will have to Read the Entire Post to Find the BREAKING NEWS. (Sorry, do not try Scrolling to the Bottom of the page. It is not there.) Daniel has an Appointment with his Neurosurgeon on January 17, 2008. Dawn hopes that his Hard Neck Brace will be Replaced with a Soft one. We Received our Thanksgiving 2007 Dumont Dunes T-Shirt. Thank you DDR Members. Daniel loves the Shirt. Immediately he started to undress himself to put on the new shirt. Dawn had to remind him that he already had a Dumont Shirt on. He said “Oh, I Do!” Dawn said Daniel has Regained his Appetite. I asked her what his favorite food was and she said he does not seem to have a favorite. He is eating everything in sight, but he does Love his Ice Cream. Daniel has completed his first few Days of Rehab. He goes to Rehab on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. Rehab Notes: Speech Therapy: · The Therapist said there is not much they can do for Daniel at this time. His speech is so far ahead of schedule that they do not have much more to offer him. The Therapist did tell Dawn that they would have to start working on his “attention span” because it is very short. Dawn Told her “What else is new?” That is Daniel, just ask Ms. Cooper. Physical Therapy: · The Therapist is working with Daniel on Uneven Surfaces to help him with his balance. · Daniel had to stand on a piece of Styrofoam. · He told the Therapist that he can, “Walk & Talk” and does not understand why he has to be in Therapy. The Therapist told him if he wants to ride his skateboard again, he has to do the exercises. · Daniel showed me one of his exercises. He Stood on one leg and balanced himself. I told him that was awesome; he was balancing better than I could. He came over to me, stood on his other leg (the weaker side), and challenged me to balance on one leg. Sure enough, I was more unstable than Daniel was. · Jessicca, Daniel’s Cousin, told Daniel that she was happy he was walking so well. Daniel said, “Look, I can even walk backwards.” You have to understand why something so simple to us is so amazing. Just two weeks ago, Daniel could not even walk by himself. · Daniel wanted to show his Uncle Timmy how strong he was. Timmy asked Daniel to punch him in the stomach as hard as he could. He gave him a right, a left, a left, a right, one, two, one, two. His strength is getting better each day. Occupational Therapy: · They will be working with Daniel’s “Short Term Memory.” The Therapist told Daniel that every time he looks in the Mirror he needs to say, “I can Remember.” · Dawn said she asked Daniel later in the day, “What are you suppose to do when you look in the Mirror?” Daniel put both hands on his face and said, “Oh My Gosh!” Dawn said, “No, you are supposed to say ‘I can remember.’” Daniel replied, “Oh yeah, that’s right, I forgot.” · Daniel has a notebook, the same one I am writing in now, that he writes down everyone who visits him each day. This helps him remember things. When you hear it, write it, & then read it, you are more likely to remember it. Daniel’s handwriting is not much worse than mine is. · Again, the Therapist’s are saying Daniel is an Amazing Child. They cannot believe he has Recovered to this Extent in so Little Time. · Now it is “Just a Matter of how much Time.” Daniel’s Cousin, Brandon, has been helping Dawn with Daniel. Dawn said it has been wonderful having him there. Brandon’s Mellow Personality is just what Daniel needs. Or, Dawn said, “Could it be the Wii?” Daniel decided that he was going to Bowl on the Wii. I told him that I had a Wii also and he would have to come over and I would challenge him to a game. He asked if I wanted to play against him now. I told him no. He threw the ball and walked over to me and said, “Good, because you would probably lose.” He then Bowled 4 Strikes in a Row and ended up with a Final Score of 214. I told him that I would have to go home and practice for a few days before I Challenged him. My Ego would not let me lose to a 9 year old, let alone a 9 year old who just woke up from a coma. Now for the BREAKING NEWS: The Principal of J.G. Johnson Elementary School Visited Daniel and the Family. They discussed Daniel’s Education. They are going to put a “Home Bound” Program together for Daniel. Ms. Cooper (Daniels Current Teacher) and Ms. Simms (His Former Teacher) offered to put in the Countless Hours it will take to make sure Daniel moves on to the 5th Grade next year. Ms. Simms said she would work through the Summer if that’s what it takes. This is Just another Example of how far beyond our expectations you are all going. Daniel was given the Clearance to Visit Ms. Cooper’s & Ms. Norton’s Class on Monday. Dawn said they would visit the Classes after his Rehab Session. You can Anticipate Daniel’s Arrival between 1:00 & 2:00 PM. There is Something about Daniel. He is still the same “Spunky, Wisecracking Kid” as he was before, however his Disposition has changed significantly. He has become almost “Angelic.” You would have to Visit him to Understand. It must be his “Pure Innocence.” Dawn said that he has become “All Hugs & Kisses.” Dawn Recalled that earlier in the day as she was picking up the Family Room, Daniel came in and told her not to worry about it. He said, “Me and the girls will pick it up for you.” Luckily for him though, he has short-term memory loss. Did you Notice anything about the new Photo? Do you Remember in a Past Post when Dawn recalled what she Missed the Most? If My Short Term Memory Serves me Correctly; It was sitting down each night with the family, having Daniel snuggle up next to her, and stealing the covers. I Will Sign Off For Now Thank You Keep the Faith
That is just wrong Would love to be a fly on his window when he got home and had to explain that one to his wife
Great pics to all of the above^^^^.Good to see all of you had a good time and made it home safe.
Daniel Murphy - I Survived Thanksgiving 2007
Danielle replied to timothyleavitt's topic in Dumont Happenings
That is great that someone saw this post.When Tim posted it ,all of you were pretty much gone for dumont so I didn't think anyone would see it.Right on -
That is wonderful news that he is home.Daniel is very blessed as well as his family. Thank you Tim for all the updates keep them coming we all enjoy hearing Daniel's progress.
You guy's all have a great time at Dumont for new years and be safe out there. Jodi it sure looks like you will have a hang over everyday but than again you bought plenty to have another so you shouldn't ever feel that hang over Take lots of Pics Jodi Happy New Years everyone
Right back at ya Walt :xmas4:
Very Nice truck.Enjoy
Just seeing what everyone is doing for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 2007 On the eve of Christmas I have to work for a few hours and than I am cooking dinner for 10 to 15 people. Menu-Chicken and dumpling soup,Salad, Ham, Prime Rib, asparagus, sweet potatoes, and cream of corn and dinner rolls,White and red wine.And off course Pumpkin Cheese Cake. Chris wanted to cook a duck Thank God he couldn't find a duck to cook so he settled for Prime Rib As for Christmas Day we wake up at the crack of Dawn after going to sleep very, very late because the kids or I should say the boy's are going crazy to tear every present open and to see what Santa brought.Let the circus begin We than spend the entire day unscrewing every twisty on every toy and praying we bought enough batteries and each one of the kids are at Chris's feet saying put this together,now put that together,and now play this with us and now I want to play with that .At the same time our phone is ringing non stop from every out of state family member and friends as well to wish us a Merry Christmas as well as us having to call people By 1 or 2 in the afternoon everything finally settles down and Chris and I can finally relax and by that time our heads are spinning and we are pretty :gayboy: . That pretty much sums up The circus Farkas Christmas :xmas4: I hope you all enjoy your holiday with loved ones and friends and may all your wishes come true for the new year to begin.2008 Happy Holiday's Chris, Danielle,Skylar,Jaydin,Tristan Farkas &Thor and Mojo :xmas4:
Pete you did a great job on the home page
That is great news.I look forward to hearing his recovery progress everyday.Sounds like he is moving right along in the right direction. Tim I think it is wonderful that you have posted all of the updates on DDR as well as caringbridge for everyone to feel apart of Daniels recovery process. He is a very beautiful and blessed child. I wish you and his family and Daniel a very Happy Holiday and New Year.
Thanks Paul :xmas1: Boys are still to small But Skylar can race
That is cool I will have to take the kids. Kenny when you get back from there can you post the prices as well as the age or height requirment. Thanks
Thinking some of you might find this interesting
Danielle replied to Danielle's topic in General Chat
It defiantly was longggg :mc_smiley: But I did think it was interesting. -
Hey everybody, Here's a clip that a friend forwarded to me. I thought it was pretty good and interesting.Thought i would pass it on. http://www.storyofstuff.com/index.html Merry Christmas, Danielle
Glad to hear you are doing better. Thank you for the card. Happy Holidays to you and your family, Danielle