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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Lisa it say's the correct time on DDR for me.
  2. Always loved the fog LA.is the best,weather is great.Born and raised and even though I have been in Vegas for 15 years I will never say I am from here. Pete i am on the same page as you,can't wait till it gets cold and maybe some snow on the mountains to take the kids sledding.
  3. Ok I just bought the Wii at walmart they only had 3 left so i went and got one and took everyones advice.payed $249.00 and it came with the sport games and one controller and one numbchuck. Thanks you guys Next questions I still need 3 more controllers and 3 more numbchucks plus games etc.... 1. Is it cheaper to bid on those on ebay or just buy those from the store as well? 2. Is there certain controller's, that I should buy or is there some that aren't worth it? 3. I read that game cube is compatible with Wii,should i buy more of those games cause they are cheaper? Thanks to all of you again
  4. Thanks Yeah that is what it was starting to look like last night. Thanks everyone for all your input.The Wii is what we are going to get now just need to find a store that has one
  5. I think that is what I am going with I keep getting outbid on ebay been bidding all day.
  6. Thanks Brian I know I will be in trouble once I get this thing.The Boxing will begin If I am reading correctly about the Wii.Are you suppose to be connected to the internet when using it??
  7. I am bidding on a Wii right now on Ebay,but I noticed that walmart is selling them for $560.00 I thought they are about $250.00.Am I looking at something wrong ???
  8. That has already happend Plenty of power tools around this house
  9. With Christmas right around the corner we are trying to decide on getting the kids xbox,Wi,PS3. We have never let the kids have video games before other than the plug n play's and there gameboy's,so we are kinda out of the loop on this stuff for kids. Any opinions on which one would be better would be much appreciated. Thank You in advance, Danielle
  10. I am sorry to hear that Very sad story,my thoughts to his family and your's.
  11. Well here are the boy's And I guess while we were out this evening Chris's friend Rob decided to put Chris's truck in a costume Happy Halloween Everyone :dance:
  12. Tanner looks to cute She looks cute as well
  13. First time at dumont Had a good time We alway's enjoy camping with Ed and shelley :dance: Nice to camp with mark for the first time The boy's really got to ride this trip which was great for them. Comp was alittle crazy but nothing any differnt from what I have seen growing up in Cali during my high school day's.Saw it,did it,over it And alway's having a good laugh on my hubby's account when he get's so mad when his bike won't work And come to find out you only need gas to make it run To sum it all up it was a good weekend,it will be nice to try it on a off weekend
  14. Yes it was someone else not Pauls camp.
  15. Congrats on the 09 Is there any differnce from what the 08 has??
  16. I got an update on Charlie today. Hes doing good. He's gone threw 2 surguries and is able to mumble out some words. Our friend Jay went by to see him and Charlies 1st words were wheres my car. talking about his sandrail. I thought that was pretty da!@ funny. Atleast we know his head is straight. Just found this you guy's Found it on Dumont Dunes
  17. People do not like two guys dressed as Slipknot roaming into their camps to deliver candy. That was me Oh My God Mr.Edgy that was to funny, that was you..... You had my boy Tristan freaked out He was the kid with the helmet on and threw the candy on the floor and the dog kept barking at you. Chris and I thought it was great
  18. Met a few others,cut a few heads of hair Spent most of my time riding with the boy's. Didn't see much of my daughter she sure can ride and keep up with the adults. Never ride back from comp at night by yourself when you have never been to dumont getting lost and not being able to find your camp is not fun Didn't take much pics
  19. Very sad I hope the guy is Ok and I hope they find the fool that caused this
  20. That was good you had me there for a moment
  21. Glad to see you made it home safe
  22. Being born and raised in the San Fernando Valley I have seen many fires in Malibu but I have to say this one is crazy it is hitting all 4 points of cali.I hope everyone is ok and my prayers go out to everyone.
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