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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. leaving friday kids costumes in trailer Off to go shopping for candy and food and drinks and than we are done other than loading the bikes,kids and dogs :dance:
  2. WOW My heart was racing as I was reading that.That sucks that he died,but that was good of you Bob from begining to end.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^ Settled B-13,B-14 It is
  4. Actually I am very familiar with the green curbs as I have gotten many tickets at the beach because i didn't want to go and move my car I am also familiar with one way alleys going the wrong way in venice beach.It was alway's a pain in the a$$ trying to find parking and alway's getting stuck being able to only go one way so lot's of tickets for that .Mind you i was 16 than
  5. Whatever is fine with me I don't care.What about if we go around D-13.you and Ed decide whatever you think is better You more than welcome to camp by us if you want and you can use our trailer if needed and if it get's to cold you can just sleep inside.Sky alway's said she wants to sleep in a tent maybe if she acts up we will just throw her outside and you can take her nice warm bed Mean Mom
  6. ^^^^^^^^ And what????? Yes I see D-10 and B-13 and B-14
  7. You don't know that green curb is for 2 hr parking only You must have pissed alot of people off in your driving day's And the white zone is for immediate unloading and loading You would have alot of tickets if you lived in southern Cali especially down by the beach the green sighn is everywhere.
  8. Now you got me all I thought it was D-10 Who am I to say just tell us where to stop and we will
  9. Oh we alway's have fun That is why going away where there is no phone reception for Chris to get business call's 24 hrs day is the best place for us to be.It drops his stress level down to zero,which makes my life wonderful
  10. I am still in disbelief
  11. And we will have candy for all the kids And lot's of coconut rum
  12. The Ringleader spoke: We are going But I will believe it when we are pulling into dumont
  13. Me...No bribing needed
  14. I am sorry to hear about your family's loss.My thoughts go out to you and your family.
  15. Beautiful pics Randy That is one place i would love to go visit.
  16. My observation from vegas is .......IT LOOKS LIKE YOU GUY"S HAD A GREAT TIME :beer_bang: Thanks for sharing all the pics,Jodi you rock with the picture taking :beer_bang: Bob sorry to hear about your son,hope he is doing well
  17. I am glad to hear that he is ok Bob My best wishes for his fast recovery.Good to see that people were there to help you.
  18. Very nice , Congrats Ash So where were you that it was snowing already?
  19. That is great to hear.My heart sank there for a moment until I got to the end. That is the the worst panic feeling ever when one parent thinks the other parent has the child and neither do.I am very glad to see it all worked out
  20. Good pics Wsky70,glad to see it turned out to be a good weekend for everyone.
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