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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. I will post what I wrote on the other post because the other topic went to doo doo.Who's bike is better and faster So as I said I hope all of you had a great and safe weekend I can't wait to see some pics.
  2. I hope you guy's all had a safe and fun weekend ,wish I could have been there
  3. Yep me too Trailer is loaded in front of the house ready to go nowhere
  4. It didn't work out so I am not going You guy's have a great trip and be safe.And maybe oneday i will make it to dumont
  5. Just be careful...People are crazy these day's.
  6. That sucks to see Good thing they didn't get anything How did your house alarm go off if they were breaking into your trailer in the front of your house??????
  7. Yes we are :angry2: ,but Chris isn't going he has to work.So I am taking Sky and Tristan.
  8. Mark the forcast only said wind for thursday and Friday.No wind on sat or sun. And if there is wind there are plenty of trailers out there for you to get out of the wind.And you are more than welcomed in mine.
  9. Sorry to hear that happend to you Good old Mexico :angry2:
  10. We are leaving Sunday.Have to work monday and kids have school.For some reason I was thinking there was no school on monday
  11. We have gone back and forth on that one.But we still put them inside the truck.I personally get to nervous about driving with them in the toy hauler.
  12. Yes it is a FIRST!How bout that And I am even pulling the beast of a trailer by myself
  13. Are most people staying til sunday or monday?????
  14. Skylar and Tristan and I and Thor the dog are packed and loaded and ready to go Yes...No Chris or Jaydin this trip there grounded and staying home. :laughoff:
  15. Glad to see you made it back safe Steve
  16. Glad to see you had a good Time Randy and everyone else in spite of the rain.
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