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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. That sucks Ash I hope you recover it.
  2. You must be mistaken me for someone else you will never see that happen.
  3. You guy's are going to scare this guy away as well
  4. You Did It Congats! Congrats! Mike and tell the Wifey as well.Can't wait to see it in person.I thought you were only going 42? 45 WOW! When you need to register it at the DMV let me know and I will meet you there so you don't have to wait in any line. Lot's of luck with it
  5. Either that or go outside with hubby and have a real good water fight with a few hoses and I am sure after a few times he will decide to stay covered in the house.
  6. I have alway's gotten alittle confused on all these numbers and to what they need to add up to. So if someone can please explain to me what we are legally allowed weight wise into the trailer that would be great help Thanks. Pulling 5th wheel with a 06 F-350 diesel.I think the max on the ford is 16000 Model Type Axle Weight #Axle Hitch Weight GVWR Payload Fresh Water Grey Water Black Wat CR3705 5th 7315 lb. 3 2375 lb. 16000 lb. 6000 lb. 150 gal. 50 gal. 50 gal
  7. :dunce: I keep telling you for the past 10 years that Karma is for real and you still don't believe me.Let's see how your day goes tomorrow
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