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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Chris you are going to have bad karma for just thinking any wrong thoughts And by the way who the hell is going to be dumb enough here on DDR to say"Hell ya I would take the money"
  2. Thank You Roy,I just sent sam a pm so we will see what he has decided.
  3. Who me????Not me always a happy camper except when I am in extreme heat or dealing with idiots.
  4. You really want me to say it????Ok here it goes.....We just dropped down to the upper 70's low 80's from being in the mid 90's at night. Vegas weather is for the birds
  5. That is not what I meant Now to get it right what I was saying is Never it seems meaning.......everyday I look at the flippen weather channel it still say's something I don't like reading (temps to high) so it seems like it will never cool down. And yes I do know we get mighty cold here in vegas
  6. So how is a calendar, Beef Jerky, and ice cream,and a tread mill helping to get a bike to Cali :
  7. You said cool down........Never it seems
  8. I am in LV and he is in Cali,but I will bring it to whoever in vegas. Thank you to anyone who will help
  9. Thanks Anna He is ugly to look at but we are alway's up for a good laugh
  10. That's cool Thanks for the thought though Next time!
  11. Mark let us know when he is doing a show again we would be up for that
  12. Glad to see you had a good time as I know you will be layed up for awhile after your surgery.
  13. Mark.....is it "Awww" as in shucks, or "AHHH" as a sigh of relief....Awww seems kinda hillbilly yeah! It seems everyone has their own little lingo when they come online and "I seen alotta teh same crap". Wees can caul it Desert Ebonics 101....its a hybrid of beer, hard play, and sand mixed with speech. Ringleader By the way Mr.Mark I am not a chicken I just know better than to get involved with anything that has to do with spelling,cause i know my spelling s*cks Spell check works wonders for me and I am OK with that. Danielle
  14. That is just wrong Mark :angry2: And by the way he has already beat ya to it.Let's see, spider web blaster and blue spray marking paint has landed all over the ext.of the house. Thank God hubby is a painter STOP causing havok.......Trouble maker
  15. 1. WRONG......Danielle...... :assrock: 2. You,Pete,and Craig have been the main people posting all about grammar lessons so that is why this topic is getting long.
  16. All of you men are hyjacking our vacation with grammar lessons
  17. We have done the Mexico cruise we had a good time.We keep talking about taking more we just haven't done it yet.Glad to see you guy's enjoyed yourselves
  18. We have done it with the 37' and flipped axles it was alittle tight but we pulled it off.
  19. No we did the meadow this time.It was a muddy fun time.
  20. Had a great time Thanks Ed and Shelley Sky,Jaydin,Tristan:When we first arrived ED Crazy Tristan Skylar being Yes it rained on us for about 1hr Jay in slow motion campsite Sat.night Ditto Sky just got done racing the boy's It was good times for sure NO MISHAPS with the Farkas family
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