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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Excuse me but I see you coming back on here and posting so i don't know what the hell you are talking about because I have seen many useless post posted by you in the general chat. Do you have anything better to do than to be an a$$, cause at least I am not down right rude.
  2. WOW!And you say I have alot of time on my hands but you are still talking.
  3. Not soon enough and than you all can go be mean to someone else
  4. Go away!you and Pete are the one's who started this crap Pete behind the scenes and you posting it.
  5. I see you guy's are having fun on my account glad to know I can help
  6. Now that is some sh*t talking
  7. Where is my husband?????
  8. well whoever it may be kiss my :Danielle:
  9. PETE YOU ARE CRUEL I am not the only one here who does the :Danielle:
  10. That's it I quit the club
  11. So Long, fare well, hate to say good bye but off we go tomorrow to coral to ride :Danielle:
  12. eating that popcorn again :Danielle:
  13. I do actually the Gmc and chevy need servicing, but you are to far
  14. Oh go work on a car you party pooper And no yelling please
  15. Sorry couldn't help myself,my bad
  16. Pete you need to hold off until we get back from coral :shocked2:
  17. Hey I am not the only one here posting I see you posting alot trying to catch up 9 pages was Ed's fault
  18. I have it all under control I think
  19. I tried really hard but I just couldn't help myself No will power :shocked2:
  20. I know 2 other family's that are going but they aren't on DDR. Or as Ed said CDR :shocked2:
  21. From what I can see: vegas400ex lvnalolife 87-250r4trax The circus Offroadracer Wingnut Dunefreak sandsnake pauly Not :shocked2:
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