I already know Chris wont do it with the truck just being fixed.If it was still smashed up he wouldn't care.And I don't think Ed wants to see him back at the body shop picking apart the paint job. That's what happens when you are dealing with an anal painting contractor
Not doing it your crazy.With the luck we have had with the truck and trailer You just want to see something happen with the Farkas Family so you can laugh your a$$ off.I'm not giving you that enjoyment So your on your own there Mr.Ed
I don't drive I am just the passenger and I am usually looking behind me and yelling and beating the kids and making sure we haven't lost the trailer
But no we don't go the way I think Crazy Ed wants to go.
I heard that road is bad to take with a trailer.And with our luck something will happen to the truck and trailer.So No,we will be going through kanab and the village where all the men need 20 wives.
I am not apart of this one.Cause all I would have to say is look at my hubby's truck before he got it fixed My chevy is just fine
So right there that should explain men drivers from woman.Ha!Ha!