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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. That's why he kept posting :shoot_head: We graduated to the 7th page and he graduated to 1,000 posts
  2. Thank god it's over :chev_bowtie: I was starting to sweat We did it,we did it,by george we did it! :shoot_head:
  3. I already saw what I did after I posted it but was to lazy to go back and edit it and I was sure that somebody would catch on to it and have to reply.So that would make it much faster to get to page 7 Thanks Jay :shoot_head:
  4. :shoot_head: You got that right.just need to make it to page 7 and where done. Thank God :chev_bowtie:
  5. Mark you have fun in sunny San Diego
  6. I know you would :shoot_head: but let's hope this trip goes smooth
  7. That sucks Jay on having to have a late start.
  8. You can't make it this trip,so you can hold up traffic again through the dry wash :dance: Mark don't be giving us any bad luck now everything is going smooth so far
  9. We just made reservations there for next year in Aug.Never have been there before but have heard alot of good things about it.
  10. We own a chevy as well as a Gmc so Ha!
  11. After last weekend for you i don't blame you.And yes I know you aren't going i was just finding another reason to make it to page 7
  12. We are loaded and ready other than putting the food in.You need to call Chris and tell him what time you want to leave as once again payroll lands on Friday so in order for us to leave he needs to have it done thur.night and if i ride his a$$ than the :dance: will start.but if you tell him we are leaving at a certain time than he will make it happen. You know it is the wife thing,can't say anything but if the friend say's something than it is a differnt story.
  13. So Pete where will you be parking??And we should be there just in time for lunch and I know the kids will be hungry.Thank You so much
  14. We have made it to page 6 and 1 page left to go and than we did it #7 3 day's left
  15. Jodi those are great pics you took,thanks for sharing
  16. Great pics you guy's look like you were really enjoying yourselves
  17. Glad to see you had a good time.Whenever I see pics of the beach and cali I get home sick and want to go back.S.D is alway's great many good times there, and hanging with friends you grew up with is alway's the best.
  18. Are you feeling alright Ed? You look as if you aren't so sure if you can let it out.
  19. I can't help the men that wear that ugly dew. Believe me I tried in the past to convince them of letting me cut it off but they are attached to there mullet
  20. How you have no trailer and no buggy i thought
  21. I have to admit I have cut several mullets in the 15 years of cutting hair. Hate that haircut it is 3 differnt haircuts tied into one. 1.one length trim off the back 2.buzz the sides on a #2 blade 3.Flat top on the top. 4.Than blend all of it together
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