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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. I I am on strike.I will just be at coral pink and whoever else is there I will wave hello
  2. That's it I am going on Strike
  3. You got that right and Oh I will never forget that And if you ever met Chris you would think just the opposite.He is alway's giving me grief
  4. Don't be making plans now and organizing anything that is just a
  5. You got me there and you know what it is still in the refrig chirping as I am sitting here.I figure he had his reasons for the refrig so that is where it shall stay He told me the same thing when i asked why he didn't take the battery out.I assume ,no battery it doesn't chirp. Ed you probably are right
  6. No worries there I have learned to never ask anymore.Don't come stay home it is a much better idea When you have 4 kids you need to be organized if not the circus will be running loose at all times. Play nice
  7. It is a man thing I am convinced now.At least you put it in the dryer where it can be muffled from the sound of the chirp,chirp, but the refrig and I am searching the garage for 10 mins. trying to figure out where the sound is coming from
  8. I just don't understand the logic behind it How will that solve the problem of the chirping smoke detector???? It has to be a man thing if you say you would do the same thing
  9. Funny Don! I didn't make it to school that week I was out sick.I will stay on top of my spell check for now on.
  10. Their or there it all sounds the same It's all fixed for you.
  11. Yeah Pete are you still going ????
  12. That must have sucked trying to get out of that mess.
  13. This is how wacked my family is :whacky101: So for the past 2 nights the smoke detector in our hallway where it is to high for me to reach has been chirping non stop.Chris has been working crazy hrs for 2 weeks and has not been home to change the battery and get it down. So I am sitting in the office right now and I keep hearing chirping in the garage so I am looking everywhere and come to my surprise I found it........In the outside refrig is the dying smoke detector am thinking oh lord what is Tristan doing now.So I call Chris to tell him what I have found and he starts laughing his a$$ off and say's.......I put it there the thing was driving me crazy and I don't have a battery for it right now. You would think he would just remove the bad battery and leave the detector up on ceiling for the time being but no he sticks it in the refrig chirping and all. This is where my kids get there craziness from.....................Their Father Sorry just had to share my insanity :fro:
  14. You sure have alot of stuff to do this weekend :whacky101:
  15. Funny!!!! :fro: Let's just see what happens next weekend we he hitches the 5th wheel up. :whacky101: I'm mean aren't I
  16. Ok 4 hrs my bad You got that right when you have 3 kids and two dogs and pulling a 37 ft trailer and have to stop for gas and food and peeing it takes 4 hrs. and I can push it another 1/2 hr if we have to pull over a few times and threaten the kids to get out of the truck cause we are going to leave them on the side of the road if they don't stop fighting :whacky101: Not as big as dumont from what I hear but the sand is softer and there is plenty of room to ride.Most people like to ride there.
  17. Circus Farkas Family Wingnut and Family Offroadracer and RookieRider sand snake vegas400ex and friends
  18. That is sure alot to think about.
  19. Coral pink is in kanab utah it takes about 4 to 4 1/2hrs to get there.As for the rails we don't have one but alot of people ride them there I am sure someone on here will respond.
  20. New tailgate,new fender,new paint job,new face lift,new shoes. What's wrong with this picture I don't even get that much love. :whacky101:
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