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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. My husband is a painting contractor and this has happend more times than I would like to say.He say's use Denatured alcohol and pat the area to soften the paint and than take a clean soft rag to rub the remains off.
  2. Yes I know how things go with toy's not being back in time.That is why the hauler has to go back in the shop in Dec.because they had it for a month1/2 and still couldn't finish what they needed to do. I pray we have hot water this time as 4 trips we have had no hot water.I keep checking it everyday and so far we are good to go. :whacky101:
  3. I thought you were going with someone on this board since you didn't want to tow your hauler. After all the grief you guy's gave me about halloween at dumont and we are going now,and pete you were suppose to be going to coral from the begining.
  4. so does this mean you are or aren't going??I am assuming not since your buggy and hauler are in the shop.
  5. You are not allowed to bowl with us anymore.You won both games and me and wingnut and marybeth had to use the rails up because of you if we even wanted a chance of hitting any pin. And you said you can't bowl.
  6. You got that right and I did it so well
  7. Well the truck is finally done after all the mishaps the body work is a fixed. Thank You Ed And yes it also had a face lift and some new shoes as well,alittle high for me but if chris is happy than we are all good.
  8. Circus Farkas Family Wingnut and Family Offroadracer and Shelley sand snake
  9. I found the weather for labor day,hope it stay's this way Friday is the same as Saturday. Saturday, Sep 1 High: 89 °F RealFeel®: 85 °F Mostly sunnySaturday Night, Sep 1 Low: 56 °F RealFeel®: 55 °F Partly cloudyForecast Details | Hourly Forecast Available on Premium | AccuPOP® Precipitation Forecast Sunday, Sep 2 High: 88 °F RealFeel®: 83 °F Sunshine and some cloudsSunday Night, Sep 2 Low: 54 °F RealFeel®: 55 °F Mainly clearForecast Details | Hourly Forecast Available on Premium | AccuPOP® Precipitation Forecast Monday, Sep 3 High: 87 °F RealFeel®: 83 °F Sun and some cloudsMonday Night, Sep 3 Low: 53 °F RealFeel®: 53 °F Partly cloudy
  10. Very sad to hear,my condolenses to his family and friends.
  11. Thanks Pete I saw that but I guess what I am asking is that it say's 7 day pass for $30.00 but what if you aren't going for 7 day's,is it still the 30 or is it really 40 with the $10.00 extra charge for the holiday?
  12. It is probally posted somewhere in these 5 pages but I am to lazy to read through them all. When you buy an annual pass does it start from the month you purchased it to the following year or is it only good for that physical year and than you have to re purchase it in o8? And if we don't buy a pass right away how much will it be for us halloween weekend?
  13. We can't let our dogs run around camp as Thor the pug likes to chase bikes so they are alway's tied on a leash.And if he get's loose than youn really can see the circus in action trying to catch the dog
  14. It looks like the weather is going to be in the mid 80's during the day and the low 60's at night. The weather only went up to 10 day's from now and they are suppose to have thunderstorms up until tuesday as far as the weather would let me see so I hope tuesday is the last day of rain :praying:If not we will be mudding it!
  15. Yes we clean up after every poop.The kids are always on poop alert
  16. Thanks for sharing the pics.It looked like it was pretty empty,we are looking foward to going in 2 weeks.To bad you guy's can't go.
  17. Coral pink here we come Getting the trailer and bikes ready today. 12 more day's Circus Farkas Family Wingnut and Family Offroadracer and Shelley and anyone else?????
  18. People ride all day long on weekends behind our house.But that's all I know. Is there something we are suppose to sighn???
  19. Don and I are done going rounds.And I am sure he already read it and didn't take it anyother way than what it said.Pete new what I meant...Nothing bad towards Don's wife that is for sure... So don't stir the pot where it is not needed
  20. Thanks Pete you understand....wasn't meant anyother way.Call me stupid I don't know anyother way you could take it
  21. Nice try Bob but you are wrong....Sorry to bring the bad news
  22. 6 weeks Bob you are out of luck sorry.Chris had it done and wasn't aloud to ride for 6 weeks.But with 3 you might be looking at 8 You can come to dumont but riding probably wouldn't be wise.
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