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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. We are home and fixing the water leak under the trailer so it will be ready for Halloween or the poker run haven't decided which weekend we are going.
  2. I was doing a clients hair last night and she said she had her car at Bill Heards and got a phone call and he said hurry and come get your car as we are closing,so she say's "OH you are closing early" and he said nope just got my last pay check they are locking the doors and we had no idea.She told me that when she got there people were just running around everywhere and there were security guards everywhere.UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!
  3. Gerald I am sorry to hear about your son best wishes from our family to yours and we will be praying for a speedy recovery him.
  4. Yes he is I will have him pm you
  5. Thanks both of you,I will keep that in mind because I told Chris if she doesnt get her act together in the next few days he needs to find a new realitor.These bank repos are tough to get because they know they can sell them so they are not budging in price much they say they are priced to sell,but some of these houses are so thrashed I dont think the bank knows how bad the home really is they are just looking at it as the area is a desirable area so they know they will get the price.We are looking at the Red Hawk area in temecula.I will defiantly get in touch with you in the next few days if she doesn't start working better. Thank you WOW!!!Paul Rob/White Rhino Yes that is why we decided to try to get back there,we have always wanted to go back to Cali,so we shall see,we have been pre approved now if we can find a house where the last home owners didn't decide to use all the flooring as a bathroom Yes we shall see you camping as well as campland on the bay that was the best trip
  6. Congrats to both of you,enjoy. We are trying buy a home in Temecula Cali,we have 2 offers in right now and have been over bid on 2 other houses and leaving Thursday to go look at more.And Nope not Arkansas anymore.Yes we are all screwed up Congrats you guys
  7. Great pics Pete,glad to see you guys all had a fun safe weekend and sorry to hear about that one accident.First time in 3 years that we have not been to coral or anywhere for that fact on labor day HEHEHE!!!!!You guys got the mud swamp thing going on there as we did last year on labor day.What a mess I still think I have certain shoes in the trailer that the pink sand has destroyed from that trip.
  8. Congrats!!!!Enjoy them.
  9. Nope ours isn't where the shower is that already happend and has been fixed last year :angry2: This leak is a new one that is under our storage compartment in the front of the trailer
  10. We agree with both of you even though we are camping right now with a leak under the trailer
  11. Arrived tonight first time here camping it's pretty cool,kids love it
  12. Here are some pics to where we are going http://littlegoldengate-arkansas.com/ http://www.roddenlandscape.com/images/new%...onuid=published And a house like that you can get for $200,000 on an acre and be 7 min from the lake,those are more like there upper track homes. http://www.arcatapet.net/travel/images/new...nd/pB150635.jpg This is an old town called Eurka Springs,it is about 45 min drive from where we are,big harley biker hang out and very touristy to alot of arts and crafts show. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...5US235%26sa%3DN That state park devils den is only 45min from where we will be. http://www.vanhollowpottery.com/images/Lake%20002.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2095/157988...df8e10d.jpg?v=0 http://www.pinnaclehills.com/PHPweb.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/118/2920313...28cda09.jpg?v=0 The last pics are the mall out there,Same type of mall as they put in vegas down by fry's electric. So how is that for farm folk living
  13. You both are clueless There may be some farm folk there but let me tell ya'll that over there in bentonville it aint like that or we wouldn't be going there cause we be some california folks and we dont hang with them toothless farm folks.Up in our neck of the woods it be as hip as vegas and Cali and as a matter of fact there be some fine looking men there.Now how is that for my down southern talking Thank you guys for ya'll fine words I will keep you posted and when we get there I will post pics so you can all check out our new hill billy way of life.
  14. Are you saying it is what people think when they hear Arkansas or are you agreeing with me?Alittle clarifaction please
  15. What's up with that???? Yes Chris is leaving with the kids a few weeks before me Glad to hear that Chris and I are alright Yes we are it will be traveling.Thank you very much. We are 4 hours from little rock.We are in the Ozarks we border Ok,MO,Kansas.Bentonville,fayitville,Rogers is in the top left corner of Arkansas and that is where we will be.So If you are passing you bet we would love to meet up.Take care of you and your family.
  16. So load up the trailer and come on Markie,Mark
  17. We are leaving for campland on the bay in San Diego tomorrow and the people we are going with had to cancel as there moho engine blew up.The spot will hold up to a 4o ft trailer full hook ups,it is available if anyone would like to go the spot cost $300.00.Bring your boat or any water craft If you want it get back to me. 702-205-6305 Danielle :swim:
  18. Yes my good friends have moved there from vegas 3 years ago and I hear it come out of her sometimes. I didn't think I was that bad but I have been reminded many times.Maybe there will be a half way point to meet people oneday to go camping But I will post pics as soon as we make it to the dunes there
  19. Hello to all my DDR friends, Life has been crazy for about 6 weeks and alot of changes have been made.It was the night before fathers day and life took a dramatic turn and hasn't stopped since.LOL Well to sum 6 weeks up my Grandparents both ended up in the hospital at two differnt place at two differnt times,one with a broken leg and the other with a heart attack and now they are finally both in the same nursing home/rehab until they think they can go home.Since I am the only family member here in las vegas I have been running between both places and now bringing them stuff and working and taking care of our personal life.And on that note, ELISHA ,I would have not made it through 3 of those weeks without you being here and taking care of my kids.Thank you and I love you and I will never forget that. So the Farkas family journey moves on..........In this time of the 6 weeks Chris has been very slow with work actually it has been like that for months and we have decided to move on.We are moving to Northwest Arkansas,YES I did say arkansas ....lol....Trust me it is not what you picture in your head.It s beautiful,lakes,rivers,creeks everywhere even hills and the sand dunes 4 hours away (little sahara ok,sand dunes) and lots of trail riding.This area of Arkansas is like a mini vegas without the casinos and with green and trees everywhere except it is walmart head quarters but with that it has alot of job stability because of all the high end excutives that make good money and there for the economy is still surviving there,plus if you are a vendor for walmart you have to have a main office within 30 miles of Bentonville so there is alot work stability there and money.It looks like Boca Park in las vegas. So Chris has a general contractors lisc. there now.I am opening up a high end childrens hairsalon and boutique which I have already made an offer on leasing a building, and we got approved for a loan for a home so Chris will be flying there on Aug 11 to the 15th to go buy our new home.The kids are getting excited , I am terrified :ah: ,and Chris ...I Just don't know.LOL.....No really I think he is excited.I will keep this updated and continue writing our journey as things take place until we are moved and settled. I will miss all my customers, my friends, my myspace friends and my DDR friends ,but Thank god for the internet .LOL Love ya all, Danielle and the circus Farkas Family.
  20. Barefoot bob is a contractor in california and does not like wearing shoes.
  21. No I don't have your #,just checking to see if you paid attention to all your 20 or so text that you recieved or if you gave up checking after the 10th text
  22. That is a funny picture,he must have just got woken up by an ugg boot,Dam my daughter must have beat you hard and Tiff just had to put her head down as you were to grumpy to talk to. I have tried everyway to add that flippin pic of wingnuts grumpy face,
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