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Everything posted by Danielle
Dave there would be no Sheris ranch cause there would be no woman it would be Richards (AKA D--ks) ranch that you would be going to so you would loose you A$$ and be styling backwards
when you were in high school, did you...........
Danielle replied to Richard Cheese's topic in General Chat
I haven't done a beer bong in 15 years.WoW I am getting old. Still do the occasional T.Shots. -
We are talking about the old western day's(Little House On the Prairie)Or cave man day's but than you would have no clothes to wash .You would be necked :argue: I don't see that you would be out there with your wash roller in the creek washing all the families clothes by hand and as for us woman we would be out there squeezing the cows nipples for your food.all you men would be doing is sitting your a$$ on a horse collecting the cows and sheep. And if you men did not have us woman than all you would have is eachother to do the pokey with :angry2: So face it you need woman in this world or all of you would be lost.
He is to busy being pissed off that he had to work all weekend long...... And to busy complaining about the yard getting destroyed by the dogs and what else did he say..... And we need to sell everything and move into a 3 bdrm. condo with no yard,the kids don't listen,there is never any food in the house,(Even though I just went to the store),There is never enough time in the day,I have to much to do and don't want to do any of it. And all the other things men complain about. It is his PMS week See you men I told you that you men gripe more than woman and PMS once a month.
when you were in high school, did you...........
Danielle replied to Richard Cheese's topic in General Chat
High School was some great memories for me.. School !!!What school I was to busy not going and doing the Gonja But I did at least get my high school diploma. Big party's at peoples houses on top of mulholland dr or in Malibu or at the beach. caravans of VW Bugs all going to whoever was having the party.Didn't know the people throwing them half the time but new alot of people there.One drunk crazy friend was alway's the laugh of the party no doubt by the end of the night before the party got broken up by cops he would be on the roof of the house and let the show begin with him fully dressed and by the end of it he would butt naked with 200 to 300 people in the street watching. Beer Bongs now those were a blast.Didn't drink beer unless it was through a beer bong and I rocked at those. Baja mexico for surfing and camping during spring break.Now that was crazy.going to clubs there and doing Tequila slammers. And many many more great memories Did I mention there was alot of squatting to pee in those day's -
But if it wasn't for us woman back in the day........You men would never have.....S*X No clean clothes No food on the table No one to take care of your children And the list can go on...... Your lives would only consist of being slaves to the the work force and hard labor back in the day..... So woman there for are a big part of men's happiness.Just admit it.
Wrong Mr.Cheese...You man don't need us woman to find reasons to complain we are just your easy way out so you men don't have to take a long hard look at what your personel issues really are. And as for woman there to busy worring about what everyone else is doing in there job and gossiping.I have to say for myself ....I stay out of that stuff to much petti crap for me. And men work better together cause they are to involved with there ego and who can get the job done better so all of them are to busy working to prove a point ...."That They Are The Man"
I don't get it never have .I have heard that my entire life.
No ding dong I can't screw your hair up because than people would ask who that heck did that and I would loose customers.You see if your haircut looks good than you are walking advertisement for me.
No you are not...you have my name on you head which is advertisement for me
Differnces between men and woman...... Woman Alway's get the last word!!!!!
But once again I am up before you are
No you didn't
Men get there once a month cycle they just don't bleed...It is a proven fact by there moods. Hubby's going through it right now.
The new shop was great today Dunesmurf was my first this morning Thanks jackie Ended up being booked solid and not getting home until 5:00 Thanks to my great customers
You guy's are all we must all be getting heat stroke
But I am up earlier than you!
Oh I know! but i do enjoy the conversations like..... Why men don't shave and woman have to????? Why men have such problems with asking for directions???? Why men take there socks off and leave them rolled up in a ball???Do they think there is a little man inside the washing machine that is going to pull it apart inside or do they really think us woman enjoy sticking our hands in there sweaty,fungis socks??? Why do men think that when you are telling them something that you are doing, it was like the first time they ever heard it as if we are nuts and never said it before? But woman remember everything!!! I can list many more...
you guy's are getting bruttle now I was trying to get onto a differnt topic of the differnces between men and women other than discussing how Danielle feels about squating outside i didn't think that it was going to go to bashing men and woman apart.
I like it Someone asked if I could do a pimp shack pete haircut. well I guess I would have to shave your head bald Not!
Right on buggychick!!!!! :smoker: :porn: Now who had the last word.....Mr.vegas style....Ha! Ha!
Mr.Cheese this should be a good
Ha ha not funny Isn't that what men say that us woman alway's have to have the last word?? :freakin_nuts:
Nicole i will be happy to take on doing your hair :freakin_nuts: Just call me when you are ready
You got that right! Me and starbucks are good friends :freakin_nuts: