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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Wow I am speechless,I will have to think about this one. Where' buggychick for this one???I need some women here! :shout:
  2. There is alot more differences between men and woman other than peeing
  3. So I guess your wife has no pee cordination when it comes to squating
  4. That is just wrong! I don't want to know that.Now you have to visualize that.nightmares
  5. If it was that simple than there would be no extreme differnces between the sexes. It's all about men are from mars and women are from venus!
  6. Ann rd and the 95 where the painted dessert entrance is.There is a smoothie shop and a starbucks right next to it. It is called Painted Hair salon and spa.
  7. Oh I know I am in trouble whenever Chris get's on here and see's this topic
  8. I think all men need to squat and try to pee in an bush and see how your balance does
  9. Come on craig I would have thought this would be right up your alley.The differnces of men and women you can't get any crazier than that.
  10. Wrong again...... Men complain more than woman.I live with 3 of them to prove it
  11. That would be a site to see....you teaching me how to squat. try squating when you are drunk now that is a task to complete.
  12. It is hard not to notice when they are bent over in front of you. Oh Sh-- I can't stop laughing,That just came out all wrong. I need to go to work
  13. Oh that's bad But I do have some funny stories from all my friends in california that were my ginny pigs through beauty school.Let me just say they were champs.
  14. I start the new shop Sat. I happen not to be busy after 12pm. I am offering 1/2 off haircuts to any of you on DDR that would like to come in just give me a call. 205-6305 For the month of july and 20% off color services...other than that DDR discounts still apply to whenever else you decide to come in as posted in vendors topic.
  15. Oh my i am getting old.And Sky starts junior high this year.There will be no braclets aloud on her and a rose bush behind her window as well no door on her bedroom.
  16. You better watch want you say....Pops might take you up on that and he has age,wisdom,knowledge behind his belt.
  17. But these day's they do call a man that does that a male sl-- Do people even really do that anymore(sleep around)well maybe the people in there 20's I have been married so long I wouldn't even know how to go on date much less be with someone else.My sl-- day's were done when I hit my 20's.
  18. That depends on how tall you are and how long your legs are and how close your thighs are together.Oh that sounds bad
  19. Alright Ed this has to stop with you over eating popcorn lately i am looking out for your best interest and if you continue watching and eating it will all go to your hips and you wouldn't want that as you need to fit in your tux for your wedding. speaking of that....Why do women have to wear the wedding dress why can't the man and the women wears the tux.Who set these rules. J/K
  20. So why can men get away with not shaving,face,arms,legs, bikini line????? But women have to do all of the above.you men don't even have to wax you eyebrows.
  21. Yes it does now shake your head back and forth
  22. How awful is that...when you see woman and there bunched up underwear or how about when there g string is showing and than the rolls are flowing.They have no business wearing that.Now men you wouldn't see that but the grandpa butts you do see.Explain....men who wear boxers and bend over it looks like flat butt with a crease up the middle.There is no support there in those cheeks. Or better yet how about men who wear tight wrangler jeans that you can see the B-----.Gross!!now women don't have that problem!
  23. In order to pee standing up you would have to do a pelvic tilt and a semi squat but it still would get all over.
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