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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. And than what????? So are you saying you have picked up on a girl/boy?????
  2. Wow that is some pee release talent,what people will do to get free drinks.Just stop and squat and shoot.
  3. Ok so I take it that's your answer to what women need to do in order to pee outside successfully So it is coordination skills,grace,and the ability to control your pee flow.Gotcha You see I was alway's told than women can stop and start as for men once they start they can't stop at a sudden moment???
  4. Oh have fun with it!what else do you have to do besides sitting at work?
  5. By the way you men can shoot further than us,we get splattered by the sand or dirt which than turns into a mess all over our shoes.
  6. The differnces between men ann women..... Men think they can drive and women can't. Wrong!!!!!!! men take the longer route to everything and women take the right route.
  7. Or use a leaf,unless we are in the dessert, now that can hurt and we would have no cover other than tumble weeds.
  8. No we can't as well as you guy's....We have to hide in a bush,drip dry,not shake off. We can't just turn our back and pretend we are looking at something.
  9. Right on Pete As you were moving it over I was starting a new topic of this and was just about to transfer those other post over for ya.But you beat me to it.
  10. The plus side to a man is that he can pee outside and get away with it. And men never have to touch the toilet seat,unles.......... Women have to squat and pee all over themselves
  11. You got that right unless you go to one of those men shows. But men can take off there shirts anywhere and walk around topless and get away with it.no questions asked or strange thoughts or looks.
  12. That is a nice looking bike he bought
  13. You got yourself a nice looking boat Looks like you guy's are having a good time using it.Enjoy
  14. Work Sat. other than that nothing To hot to leave the house or pool
  15. Who is all going to coral labor day???? Next big holiday We are going
  16. Right on Pete That was pretty much close to the topic.
  17. Oh no! I had many many day's of that in my life,I sure don't miss that feeling :ahhhhh: "need alittle head spinning dude there :dance: "Plus when you have kids it very hard to function the next day feeling like crap
  18. Well I guess I am lucky there cause drinking has never been an issue for me.Yes I do drink but I don't take it far as I hate the feeling the next day :dance: :ahhhhh: Not worth it for me.
  19. Thank you all of you for your kind responses even though they were not necessary, but thank you very much And as for my husband well he is alway's there to take the sensitive mood away :ahhhhh: And add a wise crack. :dance: Gotta love him
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