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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Pete I wish you didn't edit your post.You were the reason why I finally wrote my story.You should feel that you can ask our opinions without being knocked down.when Chris wrote you back as well as Ash,don,and others I know they weren't thinking anything else but to offer you advice :dance: .So re-post it mister
  2. Thanks for the feedback you guy's.Basically to sum it all up ,for the time I have been on this site I have noticed a few people feel very comfortable about asking general questions,advice,or anything else that aren't dune related and on the most part you get alot of support and no judgment.Some wise cracks though but that's ok at times :shoot_head: So it is nice to go to a place that if you have something to share there will alway's be a response good or bad or will make you laugh.
  3. I have thought about writing this many times in the past but never did it but as I was just reading a topic that warrior07 started in the general chat and read some of the peeps positive and helpful thoughts as well as a few other comments I decided to post it now. How I found DDR was when I was looking for a new toyhauler and trying to sell the old one.As I have never heard about DDR and we have never been to Dumont only have heard about Dumont through friends.So by fluke I stumbled on this site and very glad I did. So at that time of my life and the prior 6 months before was probably the one and only most unhappy times in my adult life.Call it severe depression or whatever you want.I am normally 98% of time a very positive person and alway's look at the glass half full with everything.I am a go getter and most of the time can make anything happen as long as it is in my reach.But at that time of my life nothing was working for me.All of my goals my husbands and wishes for our family was going against us.My kids were acting out for attention my husband wanted attention but everyday I would come to see that we were still exactly where we were yesterday and nothing looked brighter.And I got so low that I didn't have anything to offer to my husband or my kids.I left my family in my mind and left my husband to be a single parent for 6 months.Yes I was still here but you couldn't get much from me when I was around I was just doing what I was suppose to do in life to function for myself and the kids but not anymore than that.And to my family I am so sorry for that .I have alot friends as well and had no interest in them either avoided them and there calls..And I never want to be in that state of mind again. So as for DDR,when I found this site it was the first time in 6 months that I finally started laughing again and feeling alive and normal and if something like a website with great people on here can make you feel that welcomed and comfortable than that say's alot.I don't know most of you but I do know some of you and the one's that I do know are great people.And I am sure most of you are. So Thank you DDR for putting a smile on someones face and making us laugh and all the helpful advice that is offered in all topics. Pete,Anna,Nick, you have done a great Job with this site.Be proud :shoot_head: I posted this now because I find that some people feel that this site is only based on the dunes but I also find that alot of people support eachother as friends with advice and thoughts.And I think that is great.I am not asking for any feedback on this topic it was just to let everyone know how welcoming this site really is.
  4. Very well said Mr. Prez : :mic: General is general and there is nothing wrong with that.
  5. Gosh Steve are we really that bad?? :shoot_head: We would only add some amusement to your day,but that's ok you can watch from a distance. It doesn't happen to us all the time and when our little mishaps happen they are usually on our way out and these day's the damages are all on the ford Ed(offroadracer)will camp with us as he has no fear of the Circus Farkas Family,we just prepare him for what is ahead in his life with his soon to be wife and when they have little people running around.
  6. Have fun in sunny san diego
  7. Hey that is my barrel of hay i already have it marked And nobody digs those red,white and blue shorts more than me and those head phones keep it very interesting so stop trying to sell yourself to other women.Your taken There is only room in the hay mobile for 1 roll in the hay and that would be your wifey.
  8. Well there is no water there for turds to be floating so instead maybe the turds will be flyin in the air.Hey you never know when we are around what could happen.Scary thought don't ya think
  9. Yes we will all have fun You haven't given me any in awhile I was doing good there for some time. And as for Chris I will let him defend himself
  10. Happy 4th everyone.Enjoy your day and be safe.
  11. No it's not...It is aug 31st to sept 3rd. And the circus farkas family is going to coral pink so watch out everyone.
  12. You are going to coral pink with us so you can forget duck creek.
  13. I am glad to see it turned out to be a great birthday for you Pete.Sorry we couldn't make it as we had another party going on next door we had to be at and it is Jaydin's 6th birthday party in an hour. Craig the pics are great thanks for sharing.And Pete when you get to stop thowing up load up the video. on your 30th.
  14. Next month when it is even hotter
  15. Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you,happppy b i r t h d a y to you 30 is the changing of your elderly life.The aches will start,grey hair, nose hair,ear hair, indigestion, heart burn.And most of all hang overs will last for 3 day's and your bed time will start becoming 9:00pm From,The Circus Farkas family
  16. So did anyone get there new electric bill yet???Ours just arrived today and what a surprise it was and it is only still June I will tell you mine if you tell me yours And condo's and apartments don't count
  17. Just seeing if anyone has better plans than just hanging around the house. That is what our day and night will probally be.We usually have big 4th swimming partys and fireworks as you can also see the whole strip from our back yard,but this year I am pooped over party's and cleaning up the next day.
  18. We do have great neighbors,but yes we are alway's having the doorbell ring and kids are running in and out and sometimes it is nice but sometimes we have to close the garage doors and turn off the front lights and play like we are asleep so kids will stop ringing the doorbell and than when your kids get older around 4 to 11 try keeping them in the house That garage door I am surprised it still works,every time we close it we have a kid opening it and the funny thing is that Chris was just outside yelling at Tristan to get in the house.In our old neighborhood you would never see anyone outside and Chris and I use to be bugged by that and now everyone is always outside.There is only 3 houses in our block and 7 kids from the age of 1 to 11 so it is crazy most of the time.You drive in and are lucky if you don't take out a few scooters or bikes.
  19. Check it out Nick you have plenty of work to choose from above. But you can scratch the hole off your to do list.Even though chris feels that should be your first responsibility. Aren't i loved
  20. Great Ed!Thanks for the support of Chis digging a hole for me on our anniversary next year to put me in.And you just sit back and laugh,just great. Well all I have to say on this is that if I come up missing next May 8th than it has been announced to where my remains will be and guess what buddy you get to go down with him as this is all evidence of you sittin back eating your popcorn and watching and laughing.
  21. No the guy didn't show up he needed to change it to Monday. So you know what I say on that????"THAT IS A SIGHN"...."DON'T DO IT" But what I think never matters I am just the wife who talks to hear myself talk
  22. Stop your griping and log off Oh wait I think you just did,I just heard the door shut
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