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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Ok mister I am leaving this topic now as this is getting dangerous as I see you are now getting drunk in the office.
  2. Yah I gotcha As I was saying
  3. Chris just change the shocks and suspension and seat and call it good.Everyone keeps saying you will like it better so go with it. Quote: sincity450 Don't do it! TRX 450 I have a 04 YFZ with Elka suspension and it is wonderful. I will let you ride it if you want. Doesn't beat the crap out of me like it did when it was stock... 700 raptor? Ugh! I wouldn't do that either IMO. If you already got mods done to your YFZ why not just go one step more put some good shocks on it and a 06 seat (wish I had one) and call it a day. If your dead set on a 700 raptor I MIGHT know someone willing to do the trade. I wont know that until I see him next at work monday. Now honey get it done.
  4. Well I had something sincere to say.But after reading all your post I lost my train of thought. I am not going to hell with you guy's. :worthless_without_pics: So I wish her the best of luck with her recovery to her feet or recovery of being feetless. And that's a horrible story to hear about.OUCH!!!
  5. :dance: :angry2: :worthless_without_pics: Those are great,all of the above.
  6. Yes it was sent to me by e-mail so I just passed it on. :worthless_without_pics:
  7. New California Laws effective 7/1/07 New Driving Fines for 2007 1. Carpool lane - 1st time $1068.50 starting 7/1/07 (The $271 posted on the highway is old). Don't do it again because 2nd time is going to be double. 3rd time triple, and 4th time license suspended. 2. Incorrect lane change - $380. Don't cross the lane on solid lines or intersections. 3. Block intersection - $485 4. Driving on the shoulder - $450 5. Cell phone use in the construction zone. - Double fine as of 07/01/07. Cell phone use must be "hands free" while driving. 6. Passengers over 18 not in their seatbelts - both passengers and drivers get tickets . 7. Speeders can only drive 3 miles above the limit. 8. DUI = JAIL (Stays on your driving record for 10 years!) 9. As of 07/01/07 cell phone use must be "hands free" while driving. Ticket is $285. They will be looking for this like crazy - easy money for police department
  8. Good to see all of you had a great time and came home safe. and the pics look great as well.Seems like you all had no mishaps or I should say as many as we had. Well maybe next time the Circus Farkas family will join
  9. That looks like a nice place and it doesn't look like it was crowded at all. Nice pics
  10. It is a great looking bike.Ed even brought it to our house last night after he purchased it to let Chris ride it. And If I recall I think I heard Chris sleep talking I want my YFZ sold Ed thanks I think Chris is now having nightmares over his bike and the upcoming trip of being jard around
  11. Well now that some of you have found some amusement in our little episode To all of you below enjoy your trip :gayboy: dunefreak Sincity_blondie Don29palms OGP Joe Duner sanddunesaddict wsky70 mineurbiz GWH & her dad, Mike SAND~SNAKE buggychick & Budlight Bob ISBB redswr + 2 (my brother and a friend) sandseeker & wife northphelan Ocean 03 vegas400ex 1BADYFZ YFZKYLE dinicolada DMAN74 CaptNkllm DuneLover (my wife) vegas style justntime & oranges budsponge
  12. No feelings hurt....I can roll with it just fine .I was looking at how ridiculous the big bold writing looked
  13. :wedgie: :gayboy: WOW!!! !!!!YOU ARE SOMETHING ELSE DON.
  14. Pete Chris told me to inform you that it looks good but wanted to know where the skulls were??
  15. Don I was just trying to figure out how gay you were. But I think I figured it out as seen above. Sorry
  16. Don I was just trying to figure out how you edited my post But I think I figured it out as seen above. Sorry
  17. Since we aren't going and we will be in utah rafting and riding and not having heat stroke. I request someone video taping your adventure in the desert of death(Heat) and lot's of pics please. Everyone be safe have fun and drink alot of water.Added BEER
  18. I new the Beer came along with the trip that was a given.just add some water with the beer so you don't overheat.I have seen to many friends in the past drink and get to drunk from the heat and pass out and not from being drunk from being overheated and 911 had to be called. So be safe have fun and drink lot's of water and BEER
  19. Since we aren't going and we will be in utah rafting and riding and not having heat stroke. I request someone video taping your adventure in the desert of death(Heat) :ahhhhh: and lot's of pics please. Everyone be safe have fun and drink alot of water.
  20. Well that could be taken either way. Either you liked my idea or you are making fun of my lazy a$$ for not walking the trash over to the dumpster. Sorry for going
  21. Just sell the bike and get her a new one she doesn't like changing gears anyway.Did you forget???
  22. Hey it works we had one in our old house and we would use that some of the time.The only problem is that it would smell damp sometimes.
  23. So it is next month.Oh my god :ahhhhh: Anyone need there haircut.
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