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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. I gave up after I hit 0 three times.I was doing flips all over the place.Whoever posted this really wanted to stress us out :chkn:
  2. Well the dueling banjo's sounded good. I will make sure not to have the kids around when i watch it.Thanks for the heads up.
  3. Thanks........ I am going to go rent it tomorrow Maybe I have seen it and I just don't remember.You know that is what happens as you get older."Memory Loss" :jester: :jester:
  4. Well I guess I am going to have to rent the movie cause all heard was 2 guy's playing the banjo's.But from what I have read on this topic is that this is a pretty disturbing wacked movie.
  5. Ok I am going to play stupid here,I have never met you so I have never heard your ringtone but If I uderstand correct...It is the song from the banjo's correct?Well if that is right than the post I put above this one is right what I wrote. Ok done playing stupid now.
  6. Hi Jodi,I don't know about the movie,never have seen it.But I think that is a cool ringtone
  7. It sounds like she is improving in the right direction.We wish her well.Please keep us up with her recovery. :praying: :praying:
  8. I hope you used alot of bleach and roach spray in that. Between the car and the trailer that is nasty.But I bet you got a GREAT price on the DMV registration and that just makes it all worth it.
  9. Yes it does Kelly That's what friends are for.You are good to people and hope fully they are good back to you.And than there are some that like to screw you in the a$$.
  10. Nice Honey I knew I was good for something.
  11. That would be.................................................... QUOTE(warrior07 @ Apr 25 2007, 10:57 AM) i say $ 1500.00 don't forget it has it's own zip code gotta pay property taxes
  12. Ya know it really should have been worse.So I am not complaining and just happy it went the way it did.Still alot $$$ but that is the price you pay if you buy big $$$. OK time to move on to the next adventure in our life.
  13. Water was included with the beer if you opened Pete's card.
  14. :mc_smiley: That is why all of you need to start coming to me to get your hair done so I can pay back that bill. :mc_smiley:
  15. No you didn't......Didn't you read the cards?????? If you add my credits I was above what I paid.And your buck was alot lower than dunefreaks bid.
  16. Ed I sent you a card to Under"to all who did not win"
  17. This is the final bill...I lucked out ,she put in the purchase price not the MSRP. Warrior07.....I was right the refund check was a 1 time thing.
  18. To all who didn't win http://gallery.myfuncards.com/retrieve.jsp...3DzFha1mijlThIV
  19. http://ecards.myfuncards.com/myfuncards/Pi...3DzFha1mijlThIV Click on link above.
  20. Jodi you are to late the clock stopped last night. But we do have a winner
  21. Ok the bids are about to be closed Post when I get back in the mid morning. Till than........
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