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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. ^^^^^^That is just wrong wingnut has gone from poop talk to puttin his nuts on peoples chins and faces :black: :chug: Oh my!!! After I just posted the above I realized I was on the wrong thread I thought I was posting on the game( write something about the person above you) Geez!!!
  2. And I agree with all of the above except the sticky sack.....Don't have that problem :black:
  3. You know it's summer when you are terrified of your next electric bill
  4. Well I was butthurt cause I never got a response.How Rude!!!!!
  5. I don't know if this will make you feel alittle better but our trailer is at wheelers getting warranty work done to it right now and there are alot of misc. things they are fixing and they all are getting approved.And I do know that as I have been on top of them as we are needing the trailer back in a few weeks for a trip.So I would try to reschedule it again and bring it back to wheelers ask to speak with the service manager.
  6. Happy Birthday Pete I hope you enjoy your day.
  7. Great Pics you guy's.Looks like you had a great time.Is it Oct. yet! :beer_bang:
  8. It Looks like you guys had a blast.Hope Pauly's hand will be Ok for the ring to be placed on it today.
  9. Can't stop the bickering with his better half(Dan) :freakin_nuts: .Can't seem to know who likes what better,pasties on eachother or on girls.
  10. THONG :freakin_nuts: Boxers or briefs?????
  11. That is what I do. :freakin_nuts:
  12. Congrats,to you and your daughter, my youngest is going to kinder this year and than they will all be in school full-time :freakin_nuts:
  13. He drives the hot car and his partner has the man boobs and manly arms. I wouldn't want to mess up a good thing between you Dan,but Thanks for the offer :freakin_nuts:
  14. american idol :freakin_nuts: smarter than a 5th grader or super nanny???
  15. Has a thing going on with powerhouse.But Shhhh. Nobody Knows :freakin_nuts:
  16. Neither Shots or foo foo drinks?
  17. We are cutting back on the long distance travel, but will be doing local trips alot more than we have in the past.All toys we own it is just the trailer payment we have
  18. Neither Fall Tall or short?
  19. Has the same name in her screen name as my daughters name
  20. Genital Dave with lipstick or Dave with No lipstick ???(Luv,Ringleader)
  21. ONE FAVOR PLEASE We are And don't get out much,so next time if possible please make any social self destructing event happen not the night before a holiday event that you have to deal with family :beer_bang: Thank you Kindly :beer_bang:
  22. has not smoked in 15 years And yes have not smoked in almost 3 months
  23. Thunder down under Hair or no hair (Chest hairs)
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