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Everything posted by Danielle
I am not so sure about the names(eagles nest),as it was our first time last year riding in duck creek,but you leave the campsite to the right or to to the left and there are trails that take you where ever you want to go.By the village,pond,out in the middle of no where and all of the above.I am sorry i could'nt be more exact.If you call there they will tell you,as well dreamrr said he has a cabin right there so I am sure he will know.
I have figured out you and I aren't good having this conversation/debate/opinion whatever you would like to call it.I am 36 not 10 I am aware of who makes the laws and rules.But thank you for reminding me. I respect other peoples thoughts as I did on your's.So let's play nice please.
Wow!You left me speechless.If you ask hubby that's a first I guess this is a soar spot for you ,so I will say no more.We don't want to get anyones panties in a ruffle now.
Hey don,Thanks for pointing out my reply,I was just refering to Vicki's topic when she asked for input.Seatbelts,helmets they are all safety requirments.and i was just saying how differnt the rules are from state to state.We are all intitled to our opinion.YOU just stated your's from what I read.And i don't think you are imposing your beliefs on anyone else.It was all about the topic."Needed input"Don't you think that was alittle harsh on your comeback to me?Maybe not.That's your opinion...........
Ha!ha! I was waiting for a smart remark.I am aware of the rules and that it is not rocket science.But the second sentence was alittle misleading at first reading it.Still doesn't change my opinion.Thanks guys
Vicki,It is amazing that all the laws are so differnt depending on where you are riding.Is there something we can all sighn saying that we feel the rules should be set straight across the board. 1)everyone wears helmets,yes it sucks ,but it is smart. 2)everyone wears seat belts.You have to in a car.It should be no differnt. 3)no one without a valid drivers lisc.can drive a rail or a rhino.just because you are on sand or dirt it is still like a car. Go figure,utah you can ride doubles,but you dont have to wear helmets. Ca. you can't ride doubles but you have to wear a helmet. utah you can't ride under 8, and Ca you can ride any age. It all doesn't make sense. Helmets and seat belts should be a given no matter what state you are in. And as for children riding there own ohv.and as for double riding with children only.Well you know what my thoughts are on that. But as for the seatbelt and helmet law if there is something we could do we should do it so that way it doesn't get taken away from the people who enjoy it. I would be more than willing to help if there is anything you need.
Sorry Nick for my misunderstanding I I got what you meant now.
I take it this is a touchy subject for you .I understand what you are saying.But do you alway's follow the rule's :smoker: ?How many kids do you see on quads that are bigger than what they are suppose to be on by law ? There are kids that are riding 80's, 90's ,200's, 250's, and 300's.That have no buisness being on them when there age doesn't meet the requirment.That to me is more dangerous than riding double with a responsible adult.The reason for the age to the size is bigger bike,and more speed to handle which right there put's a big red flag up.But what other people do are not my buisness as long as I know I am being as safe as I can be.My 11 year old is a great rider and she can ride bikes as high as a 300, but No is what I tell her because of the size and speed,she is to young. Here is a example: picture this...Box 1...you are out riding your rail,think you found a great spot where nobody is at,you are going top speed ,doing jumps having a blast.Now on the other side of the hill you are about to jump, there is my 5 year old cruising around on his 50,and now we think we found this great spot where nobody is riding and feel safe for him to ride,Than all of sudden we see your rail flying over the hill,and we are sreaming to Jaydin get out of the way,he panicks can't figure which direction you are going to land because he does not have the skills yet and you squash him flat.Not a pretty sight. :bash: Box 2......same description as box1 but we are on the bike with him.Now we see you flying over and are able to haul a$$ out of you way because we have the skills to know how to get around it."Hopefully I add" Now that is a happy ending and a much prettier sight to see. :dance:
Got it!It goes back to the gene pool
:smoker: Not you,the article.
I am aware of that,but we were questining the atricle that pinzEOD posted.That was all.
We can't make it this weekend,have to work,I did contribute to the raffle prizes.I hope everyone has or had a great time.Be safe.
Thanks :dunce:
We do allow jaydin and Tristan to ride on there own but only in remote places where there is pretty much nobody around.And Chris or me ride on the side of them or we are running behind them.Thank you for not giving me grief.I am sure when everyone comes back this weekend they will have there say :dunce: Just hope there won't be to much harshness :mc_smiley:
coral pink is fine to.You are aloud to ride double in utah.And under the age of 8 can't ride on there own and if ages 8 to 16 do ride they have to take a riding course which I think that is great. Just to inform anyone who want's to give me grief for riding doubles with my kids .My outlook on it is my small boy's are safer on a bike with me than on there own with speed.even though you can put a govenor on it.Kids that small don't have the motor skills they need to be in a place like dumont riding on there own.Yes it is dangerous,but us as adults are in that danger zone everytime we get on our bikes.You could be the best driver out there,but all it takes is one fool who does something stupid to destroy you.now when we ride with our kids we don't do the biggest hill,we don't go at top speed,and we don't ride where it is over crowded.And my kids where there gear.I know some of you have very strong opinions about riding double and that is fine.But as my kids parents I feel my kids will be safer with us until they learn in time how to control a bike and be safe in a uncontroled place.So please don't give me grief for it as we all do what we feel is best for our kids.
I agree with you and I am going to print it so that way I have it if we ever make it to dumont.I don't think chris can ride one of the boy's on his bike and get away with it.That is why I sold my sport quad and got the bike I did.And we are planning on getting a rhino,but not for another year.to many $$ for new truck and toy hauler just spent.
Ken colors told me that he has the same bike I do just bigger and he has the seat on the back as well and the rangers told him it was fine as long as they have a helmet on. This is why we haven't gone to dumont.Believe me I would rather not ride double,but i don't feel a 4 year old and 5 year old don't have the skills, and smarts to know there limitations as well of being aware of other riders yet,to where they are safe.I personally feel a child shouldn't ride under a uncontroled place until they are 7 or 8.That is why we only have gone to Utah.Just my opinion for my kids.
I am confused so is it saying you can or can't ride double on public land? :dunce:
You sure can ride right out from the campground,and park your bikes right at your site.
If you are talking about duck creek,you park your bike right next to where you camp and yes you can ride right of your campground and right back to it.Ditto on coral pink if you were talking about that. It is very safe at both places.
I know you were giving friendly sarcasm..I was playing right along with ya.But I have to say I did just find that search button. By the way you are leading very well
Ok! Gerald I just realized that,cut me some slack I still haven't figured this whole DDR site out yet.I am catching up slowly,very slowly .I looked it up and found it I would loose at that game.Mine works better for me And that is what it is about"All about me" J/K You can :jester: me now. there is my smiley's
There are 35 pages of general chat.maybe I will search later.Thanks
Should we go back to charades and name that movie or show from a song?Or should we just let this topic burn out by typing in the shows? Hubby and I were personally starting to get into the charades and hoping everyone was singing along. :jester: