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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. i got mine from clark county credit union.My loan wasn't with them but they still did it.
  2. Hey it still is about growing up shows just thought we would add alittle spice into the have it alittle bit more intresting than just writing them down.Are we upset cause we can't figure it out ?:mic: J/k.If you want it back to writing them down.Here ya go. The answer to the song/ slash movie that 400ex couldn't get was.....drum roll please.......Footloose! Now you took all the fun out of it
  3. another clue.....movie.....don't fall asleep just came up with another one. clue......movie.......rollerskates,singer/actress and 1 more this must be sung....movie... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kick off you sunday shoes. and another..it must be sung.....movie... she's a maniac,maniac on the floor and she's dancing like she's never danced before. can you figure those out?
  4. I new I spilled the beans as soon as i said "dressed like a mechanic"
  5. yep! I am sure my extra clues didn't help :mc_smiley:
  6. here is another clue.dressed like a mechanic.now you have to know it.
  7. Are you still thinking?I thought i just gave it away.
  8. I'm thinking police are involved,but the therapist has alot to do with it and so does the sister.There is a mask on the main person.I know i just gave the answer :mc_smiley:
  9. here is another one.Tv. 3 men...i'm stuck if i say more it will give it away.hubby needs to come home from work he is better at this.Have to get back to this one when chris get's home.
  10. Did you get the other one?I think the guy's gave up
  11. To cute,Tristan my 4 year old just walked in saw the pic.and told me he want's that bike.He still is sharing his brothers bike.We can ride right out of our house as well.Kids love it.
  12. charades on the computer......to bad we can't draw.
  13. :mc_smiley: I liked him... I will see if anyone can get the answer if not stay tuned for tonight and we will give it up.
  14. Ok here is another clue for a differnt show.(movie) he had a sister and only came around on a holiday,he also had a therapist that was very involved with him........
  15. That is great that you found all those pics. oh those childhood memories :mc_smiley:
  16. come on paul you did so well with the love boat
  17. Ahhh!.........................................No but that was a good show and you are on the right track.keep thinking
  18. How about chips,i forgot about little house "good old Nellie"puff N stuff was great. love american style...that was what Chris and I kept trying to sing last night to post as a clue.we couldn't figure the words out.Anyone remember?we just want to get you singing
  19. you guy's either skipped right over this or can't figure it out :mc_smiley: .Hubby and I decided to make a game out of it last night and with the first one we had Paul rob singing the answer.Hubby and I were trying to remember the opening songs for each show,and let me tell ya us singing and trying to remember the words had our kids looking at us like we are wacked .couldn't figure out a song from the show above.
  20. This is chris now doing the typing.I got pushed over
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