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Everything posted by Danielle
Here's another.....A little girl with lots of gold, a pet monkey and her friends Anika and her brother tommy !!!! I just noticed flipper in the icons ... :mischevious:
Nice Jobby Job :mischevious:
Here's a clue....whoever gets this right, is.....stuck in the past "Love, exciting and new.....and love, wont hurt anymore......I know someone knows it..... Helpful Hint try singing it..... :mischevious:
land of the lost was cool. Now I am loosing control, hubby is now taken over.
wild wild west had the same guy in it from ba ba blacksheep, I was just informed by hubby.I guess the wild west was his favorite show.
Pappy was from Popeye :mischevious: I just had to ask Chris wtf ba ba blacksheep was.He clued me in.I told ya I need some girls input here,these guy shows are killing me.
Planet of the Apes was cool and we still watch them when there on T.V having marathon's.
wasn't that nursery song?
This isn't fare.I can't compete with Gi joe and transformers . I need some women's input here please. Ba ba blacksheep????? Sat. morning cartoons
knight rider that was cool,I alway's wanted a car like that when i was younger.What was really great was that my grandfather was a sound editor for universal and he worked on that show pluss many more.He was the guy who made kit talk.I went to work with him and watched him do the editing on old movie reels, cut and paste sounds,thats how they did it than now it's all computers. He would be lost if he wasn't retired. sorry so back on topic,Wonder woman she was cool.Oh! and bewitched,god if I could only twinkle my nose life would be grand
Now I remember,they were boring,i liked flipper better
What show was the army guy walking with the fishing poles whistling with the kid walking behind him?black and white.Didn't like that one
Ok!the Gong show Now look at where we are at"American Idol"
Oh my! I just noticed you posted the answer i think I need to go back to bed and start the day all over again. :dunce:
The faces look familiar,but I can't figure it out. As for off the topic,well maybe kinda,but not really as this is all about memory lane.But that would be for pete to decide
Oh!never saw that one,but I am going to get it for the kids I bet the boy's will like it.T-man keeps asking for us to put him in BMX riding
What was Rad?
Mork and Mindy and we can't forget Happy day's and Laverne And Shirley
Me,Hubby and the kids are going to try to make it for the day as we still have no trailer.I have to see how many people are calling for appt. with me on sat.If I am not to busy and can change them for sun.,than we will be there and help anyway we can.We will be in the truck if needed.If we can't make it than I will be cheering from vegas,and can't wait to hear the outcome. By the way if we do go,what time do we need to leave vegas to be able to make it to dumont on time?
Nice rhino,I want one just to many $$$$ attached to it.
I forgot about Threes company and eight is enough.Thats on my list as well.Droopy??? I found woodywoodpecker as boring as the roadrunner."never could get into them Now gumby and pokey they were cool so was davie and ga???? spell check please As for tom and jerry,I watched them when nothing else was on.It just got old watching him always chasing the mouse. How about The Little Rascals they were happing. Anyone remember Hee Haw ? :icon_twisted: wait we can't leave Popeye out ,now he was tough :ahhhhh: What made me come up with this topic is that my 3 kids love watching all the t.v. shows in our time.If you go to walmart where the videos are there are these big bins with all old time dvd's and there is one with all the old cartoons.They are $5.00 videos.When we go to the dunes they watch all those cartoons and shows over and over again.
From what I see me and da burgh were the only one's ever watching T.V in the 70's.You guy's don't know what you were missing. :icon_twisted: Let me tell ya the telvision shows were so much better than.Everybody was living life as if it was a "beautiful day in the neighborhood" quote Mr. Rogers. now we just have nanny 911 :ahhhhh:
Isn't A team with Mr T ?If so that was cool if not I am lost :freakin_nuts:
I forgot I loved the t.v show the Hulk.