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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Yes you could say our house is the fun house in the block or I should say nut house.Every saturday I work and when I get home all chris can do is rant about how all the kid's in the block were at our house all day long.He alway's say's why our house???And what's even funnier is when he tell's me his friend Gary stops by with his wife and 2 kid's and want's to know if Chris will watch there kid's so they can run errand's.They see he has 6 kid's running in and out of the house,why not ask him to add 2 more to the party. My poor husband all he want's is a day off and someone to take his kid's
  2. Well it really went off when I did unlock the door,but I was in panick mode as people were getting in there car next to me and I am trying to yell to them that I wasn't stealing the truck in my P.J's mind you,that I just did't have my husbands remote.So I had them laughing at me as well,as I drove away with the horn sounding off.
  3. So how many people in your circus to make you a circus?5 on my end.Have you ever seen a 4 year old be very concerned about there fish not having human contact and there for they needed to be removed from the tank and held and talked to, so he said when I caught him up on the counter 2 day's in a row last week holding the fish in his hand having a conversation.And when I told him to put the fish back they don't leave the tank or you will kill them,He straight out told me NO and went running through the house with fish in hand saying they want him to hold them,they told him that.So now I have Skylar and Jaydin chasing him screaming and crying that he is going to kill there fish.Let the circus begin :hug: Well the fish got saved and they are back in the tank,don't know how they survived it.And basically told Tristan that the next time I am going to flush the fish down the toilet cause he was going to kill them anyway.mean mom. :hug:
  4. That's good I have to show Chris that one.You might have us beat,but either way it is still apart of the circus,so we are still in the ring Chris is getting a big logo sticker made for the back of the new toy hauler that is going to say"Circus Farkas Family"so now we can really stick out :hug: So if I never meet any of you at least you will know us when we are driving down the road :hug:
  5. I have had to many things happen with key's,we are not good friend's.I now have to wear my key's around my neck at work cause I loose them all the time,no joke.
  6. No,but close.stayed in the far right lane so I could turn off to a side street as soon as I was close to the house. Than driving down a residential street that horn just sounded louder.Chris said he could hear me coming 2 blocks away.He had his remote in hand as soon as he could see me from the backyard to turn it off.God I will never live that one down. As I have said on some other sites "never a dull moment with the circus farkas family" I still can't stop
  7. Well I just went up to the store and I took hubby's truck.I have his extra key on my key's but not his remote. Now he has a alarm and I don't remember that cause I don't drive it that often and the truck is new. So I am about 2 1/2 miles from my house,I get out of the truck at the store and lock the doors from the inside.Leave the store get back in the truck and what do you know.(the alarm goes off,the horn won't stop, the parking light's keeping flashing)and everyone in the smiths parking lot are looking at me.So I call Chris ,like he can really help me from home.He is laughing his a$$ off at me,telling me I hope you don't get stuck at any red light's.So here I am driving down durango with the horn screaming,lights flashing,my husband on the phone with me laughing,and I am probally freaking all the people on the road out. And if anyone is going to comment that there is a kill switch for the alarm.I know there is but haven't made it to that part in the owners manual yet. :hug: So I hope you all just had a good laugh on me.As the saying goes laughing is good for the soul and I am happy to help you out. :hug:
  8. Well how do you reply to that? CHARMING! that will work
  9. My husband has a painting and drywall company for the past 11 years we are pretty known in vegas.If anyone want's some part time work/working out of there home and on there computer my husband needs help with estimating jobs. You must know how to read blue prints and be able to estimate paint and drywall,you might have to go to the location of the job at times to do a take off.My husband chris is really a good guy to work for he has anywhere from 4 to 10 employee's.Right now he has 10 as we are swamped but he can't be running all over town and bid on jobs at the same time. He mainly does custom homes and T/I. This job is perfect for someone who is semi retired or has some extra time and needs extra money. You will be talking to contractors that he works with and home owners/owner builder's. Your goal is to bid the job, and close the deal and not only will chris pay you for bidding but if you can close the deal he will give you more $$$ for every deal you close.If you are intrested or know anyone who is please pm me. Thanks, Danielle The name of our company is Chameleon Paint Works Inc. My husbands name is Chris.
  10. that's cool.does ca reconize it as well?where do find there phone number?Thanks
  11. That is what I figured,I was just trying to save some time.Oh well! I hope she doesn't fale Last year she only had to take the written cause they weren't doing the course that weekend.So they only gave her a 30 day temp.
  12. Thanks you guys for getting back to me. Does anyone know about the riding course Skylar has to take for utah and if she can take it in vegas?
  13. I don't know if i am posting this in the right area. Does anyone know where i can purchase out of state riding permit stickers for utah and Ca.? Can the one sticker be used at both places? I think that's what they are called if not Also my daughter has to take the riding course this year so she can ride at coral pink utah at easter.Do you no if she can take the class here in vegas before we go so we don't have to waste anytime when we get there?
  14. You couldn't of said it any better.
  15. Ditto on your post that you wrote mineurbiz,I don't know anyone or maybe I do in passing and just don't know it.I have been a hairstylist in this town for 13 years and have cut alot of heads,and have alot of customers that go to dumont,so who's to say.But either way you guy's really seem like a good bunch of people.My hubby alway's gives me grief for staying up late and being on the site,I tell him the stories and the advice are great to read he just gives me the But I have to say the few drama topics I read I could do without. I tivo general hospital for that,and that's not a joke.It's really good to hear people help eachother out on this site,you don't find that often as for dealing with the public everyday in my job and with as crazy as this world has become you think someone is a good person and before you know it they stab you in the back. :monkeedance2: Ok I will stop now ,I am letting my personal issues with the condo affect the topic :angry22: So what I am trying to say is you guy's all really seem like you are there for eachother and doing things together that everyone enjoy's.For those who have kid's the memories of camping and family times, and making new friend's, and riding will be the best of there childhood memories.And those are the memories I want my kid's to have and from what I see in the topics alot of you grew up with those memories and some of you are now passing them on.And that I think is just Great...So maybe oneday I will meet some of you when riding.And if not than I will know you buy post's and topic's.
  16. Do you have problems in the sand with it? Have you been pulled over by the rangers for riding double there before?I guess I could alway's act like a dumb girl "who just didn't know cause I have only ridden in utah" :laughing:And see how well that fly's.With the way my luck has gone lately I probally will get the most expensive ticket issued. Wont push my luck any further cause it won't work in my favor.
  17. I am aware of California laws as we go to coral pink,and other places in utah, we haven't been to dumont yet for that reason cause the boy's were to little to ride but now one has a 50 and we still have to buy the other one a 50 so we will try dumont in oct.But in utah we do ride doubles with the little ones as they are to young to ride on there own for there laws.We have lot's of friends who go to dumont and we were told it is a hefty ticket.Don't want that.Thanks for the info.
  18. While you guy's were all having fun at dumont and we were stuck in vegas with no trailer,we went and got me my new bike.Yes it is one heavy big boy.07 Polaris Hawkeye 300 4x4 .I had a sport bike before and loved it,but I needed something I could put a seat on the back to have my little guy ride with me cause I got tired of knocking helmets with him when he sat on the front of me.It is weird to ride a auto when I am use to changing gears.But it is all good,I only hope i can make it through the dunes.I never do anything crazy,but at least I would like to ride and not get stuck.Hubby has the yfz 450 and I could always ride that but no thank you,call me chicken but that thing scares me.I will just cruise on my Grandma bike .Does anyone know about this bike to let me know if I will be fine in the dunes?Thanks for any info offered. Thanks to my husband Chris for buying it for me.
  19. Sorry to hear about your loss.Very sad accident.It is good to hear that people tried to help and do there best.
  20. Ed there are a few companys that do this ,they specialize in rv,boat,and even bike and auto ins.I got prices from 4 of them I liked the link above they were the best.Allstate gave me a price of $66.00 a month and didnt have any of the goodies in there policy.this place was $34.00 a month.WOW! I payed $20.00 a month for the old small trailer and if I only new i might of only payed 1/2 of that.Oh well live and learn.
  21. I have been searching for insurance on the new toy hauler cause Allstate that we are with was to high.So I came across this company and they are half the price as well as they offer alot more bang for there buck.They have total loss replacement of the trailer,which means they pay you back for every penny you paid for the trailer and than some.Thought that was great since the trailers dont hold there value.The policy offers alot more stuff as well. If everyone new this allready than I am just catching up,I wish i new about this on our first trailer,thank god nothing ever happend.Well just thought I would share the info.Website below. http://www.explorerrv.com I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A BLAST THIS WEEKEND,STAY SAFE
  22. i didn't know if you wre still wanting to got to coral pink easter weekend,never heard back from you.So I am just letting you know that the site is now filled.Sorry if you were thinking of going.
  23. Nice trailer,glad to know we aren't the only one pulling a BEAST.Enjoy!
  24. Ok! here is one for you guy's.Last labor day we go to Bryce Canyon to go riding.We arrive late at night.Next morning after eating etc.we decide to all get ready to go ride, and a storm comes in windy,cold and raining.So all five of us are stuck in that small trailer we had for hours and the kids are ready to kill eachother.So my husband and I decided to go mudd riding,of course the kids didn't want to go cause it was cold...So we put on every pull over we had with us and anything else warm.Had a blast,covered in every part of our body in mud and probally all the animal poop in the area,couldnt even see out our goggles,hands were frozen.It must have been 40 degrees.So we go back to camp and couldn't go in the trailer so I tell my daughter to put a bag together for her father and 1 for me as we were going to take showers in the campsite showers. Now there is the men's side and women's on complete other sides of the building.It is one big bathroom with 8 stalls for the showers.So I am now done with the nice hot shower and can feel my face,fingers,and toes again.Go to dry off and guess what.NO TOWEL....Didn't know what to do and than I start thinking maybe my husband has both of them,well isnt he warm and toasty,and if not ,what is running through his mind right now.Now I am standing in the shower not knowing what to do dripping wet,don't want to be cold again and could not stop laughing.In between my laughing i keep hearing the door open and close to the bathroom so now I am trying to hold my laugh back so people dont think there is some crazy person laughing by herself.So now I am snorting from holding my laugh in.I must of sounded really disturbed.Well I figured I better get out of there so I found the only dry clean section of my muddy clothes to wipe off the drips.Leave the bathroom thank god nobody was in there cause I am still laughing,laughed all the way back to camp and yes it was windy still but no rain at that point.There I see my husband peek his head around the trailer laughing his a$$ off and no he had no towel either.So he had to tell me he was standing in the shower b*** naked with his flip flops on in disbelief.So now I am laughing even harder and my daughter comes out of the trailer all defensive thinking I was mad at her (with an attitude I cant do everything,watching the boys etc...) It was to funny to be mad.And to this day she still gets defensive if the story is told.And that trip didn't end there.My husband wrote a 3 page story on that one trip to go into the photo album with the pics .With that 1 story 2 more followed on that vacation.Never a dull moment with the CIRCUS FARKAS FAMILY...
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