Sky was alittle extra muddy as she just got done racing some boy's and kicking there butt around that bed of water. That's my Girl :breakdance:
All the other kids were inside the trailer watching a movie nice and dry
You hit that right on the nose :dance: We would have to do the beach as well.We also can see what talent everyone has so we can make some $$$ for food and gas.I can Cut hair,so I got my part taken care of. :boyyy:
Nice trailer,You now have the same zip code as us.So when you,Mark,Brian,dirtprincess,and us all become homeless we at least have a trailer to live in ,we will just have our own neighborhood
I wish when we looked at them we would of noticed that,but of course the one's we looked at didn't have the problem but I did ask Chris about what you said and you said it right.
Hi Gerald,
Alittle late getting back to ya.You might be right ,what do i know.I am just going off what they told me.It probably isn't real wood but they said the face of the cabnets are I will post you more pics or will email you pics.They say they are replacing the cabnets.I will see what happens.
Very sad i hope they find something that can give the family some peace of mind.That is really great of you Woody to give your time to do this and for anyone else on here that is going to help in the search effort.
As you sell your toyhauler,we will be living in ours soon.
Anyway,sorry to see the alley go for you guy's and I will make sure to send all the kids and dogs over memorial weekend to help make memories and break in the new casa.
WoW that is crazy,I know it is open enrollment for our K class.You put what you want pm. K class.Than hope you get what you want when the papers come in the mail.I just enrolled Tristan in all day K which will cost me $300.00 a month if i get it but it is cheaper by a $100.00 than paying for daycare,and he needs to be in school all day.1 more year left of this :surrender:
I just want to know how to get rid of that Sh*t.I report it to spam abuse and 5 min later I have another colon cleaning advice These day's i am also getting spanish solicatation phone calls on my cell