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Everything posted by My4DrGSR

  1. HA HA HA everyone pretty much summed it up here, except the new fave phrase: "I won't hit a girl, but I sure will shake the sh*t outta her..." LMFAO! I can't wait till we all go again!
  2. Was that at the August night drags? Or another time? I know some people got hurt that night, someone wearing the same color as me was layin on the ground and everyone freaked out and thought it was me. I didn't see any myself, but I heard about a couple incidents. Apparently I'm more accident prone on my new ltz400 than I was on the Predator 500 I learned on... Go figure, lol.
  3. Wow. I have seen the Heli at least once every Holiday weekend, but never on an off weekend at Dumont. That's one thing I never saw at Coral. I wonder what the serious accident rate is there compared to Dumont. I did see a rail F'd up like that a couple trips ago (Dumont.) The ppl had it parked outside their camp all weekend, it was there before I even got there, so I dunno what the rider damage was...
  4. Coral Pink is WAYYY diff than Dumont, be careful, stick to the trails, the dunes just drop off and it's harder to see how they are there than Dumont. It was a way fun place though, just be extra cautious!
  5. It was great to see you Caleb! It's been years... Please get us those pics, we didn't take any (oops, lol.) And for the rest of my camp when you get on here, it was awesome to get to hang out and get to know ya'll better, thanks for making my first trip to Coral so much fun Smooches Hooches, Crash 2...
  6. LOL this post is funny... My friend just got prego, her doc said no quads, but it's all in your own judgement. I would recommend off weekend riding only, the holidays would be too risky in my opinion. I don't see why you can't still ahve a lil putt putt fun tho.
  7. LOL. Fighting at a bar? Sounds like a wonderful idea. How come nobody has ever thought of that before? Genious... LOL. K is it time for my spart-a$$ to go yet I want to get to Coral right meow...
  8. Ooh that's one of my fave local bars. I was gonna tell Matt to recommend shuffleboard for sure with all that old restaurant space, and maybe move the dart boards (have to walk by them to get to the pool tables unless you go all the way around.) One of the reasons I like going there is because there's more than one pool table, and I like to have some drunken activity while i get plastered lol... oh and you took fried mushrooms off of the delivery menu can we have those back? lol.
  9. I can't wait to leave, is it friday yet? We're goin shoppin and loadin up the quads today... So close yet so far away, lol.
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