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Everything posted by My4DrGSR

  1. Friggin Drunk Msg Monday rocked too! One of our buddies left a winner on my former roommies phone, she got Vegoose tickets outta that one!!! They had some of the funniest bits, like the ones already pointed out by everyone...
  2. Pauly told me that the other day, that SUCKS, Disorder was the only thing they still had going for them. They get rid of everything good. Vegas radio does blow, I need to get over to Ang's and download all her mp3 music soon lol. i have tons of cd's but i'm too lazy to copy everything to my computer, even tho I bought an external hard drive for that reason...
  3. Bowling was great! Errr, at least Jodi tells me, since I'm a better bowler than her when she's me... lol. I'm a lil irked I didn't get to bowl this time, but I made it down there right as bowling ended and hung out with everyone for a couple hours anyway I do wonder how we get around the hourly thing next time, the thought of the game being shut down before it's done is pretty crappy. I think I might be able to make this an every other week thing tho, especially if I make it there on time so I don't leave as late. I didn't get kicked out, or get accused of doing something I didn't do, lol. I don't think I was there long enough
  4. Capt, the shoe cleaner huh? LOL. They actually have security at Sante Fe... Yikes huh? Wingy, if u get booted before me, I doubt it'll be your Shot Put throw Eff yo shoes, OMG, is it time to go yet, this is gonna be a RIOT!!!
  5. Hourly lanes? That seems odd. I guess we can't eff around like we usually do when we go bowling, lol! Hey effer, it's your turn, CHOP CHOP!!! NO you don't have time to take a swig of your beer, HURRY UP, time's-a-tickin... If there's any issues tonight, don't worry, I'll talk to the manager... LOL!!! I wonder what it would be they'd kick me out for. "Can you please reset our lane, it's frozen." "that's it missy, you're outta here" LMAO I'll try not to cause any trouble...
  6. Well good luck, it's a big move but sounds like somewhere u like, so go for it! Alotta families have had to make some big changes lately, the economy has changed so much.
  7. I was gonna add myself to the list, but it looks like Tiff already did, since I haven't been on here in a while :peek: See ya'll Wednesday then
  8. I was out there yesterday. I didn't see any fishies, but I look like a lobster now. Oops.
  9. Congrats! I got a sneak peak the other day when I picked up this hitchhiker named Nicole... It's alot roomier than you would think just by the size, they laid it out really well.
  10. That's awesome that you wrote them Jodi, I thought about it but decided it's a big waste of time, expecially since I've had to deal with other retarded places/ppl lately that have to do with things that actually cost me money, so I decided to let this one go. Plus I really don't think they'll do anything to make good, so therefore not worth the time. I have however realized this week that there are alot more places in town doing live band stuff, so we'll have to start checking them out instead and seeing which ones are good and which ones blow. But that's another thread, I'll post in that when I have a chance
  11. Wow, really great pics chica. Some stuff is sad, then there's the sweet firefighter signs, shows that the people that do care and appreciate, and I agree, the looters should be shot!
  12. :freakin_nuts: Yeah I forgot to mention he had Guido follow me out, think the pipsqueak was afraid of me? HAHA, yeah at least everyone knows I'm not one to cause a scene, those that don't know me would probably wonder what I did do tho! I thought it was funny the rest of the weekend (aside from being utterly annoyed right after I left, since I DID wanna hang with my punk loving Dumont peeps) to tell my friends I got booted, and it's cuz I punched the manager in the face... Sounded more exciting than 'I asked about the beer special..." LMFAO! Yeah Cheese, can't take me anywhere, I'm such a troublemaker
  13. Yeah, that's what pisses me off the most, our venue selection for live music is already limited, especially for the music we like. Hell with that place tho, I'm not spending a dime there ever again. I'd rather go to the dive bars where everyone's cool and drinks are cheap.
  14. I'm just too punk rock for Ice House I guess So apparently asking the pipsqueak manager about the beer special on the flyer is means to be booted, for everyone's future reference. He went immediately to "do you wanna leave, cuz I can have you kicked out right now." as soon as I asked about it, instead of just giving me a reason. Then he proceeded to knock the flyer outta my hand as I told him that I didn't want to leave, I'd just like to know why they're not honoring the special thats right there. I proceeded to tell him I wasn't even drinkin beer, and he continued to be a douche, so I said, look, I just wanted an explanation, you don't have to be a jerk about it, and a few more words along those lines, and he kicked me out. I didn't yell, I didn't cuss at him, I didn't punch him, (but I shoulda, then he'd have a real reason to kick me out ) so he had absolutely no reason for kicking me out except as an ego trip. Anyhow, Sorry Jodi n Mike, I really did wanna hang out with ya guys, and sorry Tina and clan for makin plans to go down there cuz I was there, only to get my "Eff these damn Vegas bar/club VIP wannabe type a-hole douches" call when I left. I proceeded to go out with Nicole and some other friends and get wasted, dancin and goofin off till almost 5 in the mornin, and havin to have someone drive my truck and my drunk a$$ home. And next day Nic told me our bar tab was only 6 bux, sweet! Eff your (non-honored) free beer Ice House, I got free drinks instead!
  15. I won't miss the next one, long as it's not the last weekend of the month, my job tries to kill me every month at that time. I needed some sleep so 3 am didn't sound as appealing Friday after work as it did earlier in the week, especially since my Friday at work made the rest of the crappy week look awesome... ugh. Great pics guys, way to make everyone jealous
  16. I'll bring u a can of crack, i'll prob have one down by the time I get to your place from mine lol, so if I'm annoyingly chipper, deal with it... HA
  17. BRUNETTES!!! so I'm a lil biased, lol. Hawaii or Bahama Cruise?
  18. wonder what made u think of that... Rockstar Mocha Coffee!!! on crack! Big Wedding or Elope: :freakin_nuts:
  19. I heard a nasty rumor that they closed the reservoir down, that was one of our fave places to camp so we could ride and also cool of in the water. We went for the 4th last year. I just searched it and looks like the rumor is true. Reservoir closed - article. That really sucks.
  20. Hell yeah, I can't wait! Maybe I'll be able to beat someone with my quad finally, lol. I'm not used to being last all the time, that really sucks, hahaha.
  21. I plan on going MORE. I economized by downsizing to one vehicle that does everything I need and is decent on gas, and got rid of the 2 seperate vehicles I had. I think you're right about the fundng of the toys, those that finance everything are gonna hurt more than those of us that own outright. It's a harsh reality for some, but I think it'll make our weekends at Dumont less congested, so good for those of us that can still go. That's my 2 cents. Hey wait, gimme that back, I need to save it to buy gas... LOL.
  22. LOL Ok Nick, is there anything else in your garage you want to get rid of? Should I just bring the truck over and load up? HAHA, just kiddin. It's not his quad, it's a POS his buddy stores in his garage, so he even brought a tow strap in case I needed to tow him back in, and he asked me if I had zip ties cuz the front plastic was only on by 1 of 4 screws, lol... Yeah it was a pretty comical morning. He must've gotten the mixture alright, we didn't use the tow strap. He actually owned a dirtbike when I moved in next door, but had noone to ride with anymore, so he sold it. I told him I know plenty of good ppl to ride with, he might want to go get a new toy, haha. Yeah, I did notice from one point we stopped at the veiw of the whole city, and thought about how cool that would be in t he evening, so maybe next fall I'll have to check that out, in the meantime, it was way too hot when we went, I'm gonna have to get up at the Buttcrack of Before Dawn to be able to ride and not get Heatstroke. The 2 hours I spent yesterday in 100 degrees temp. riding my quad was outta sheer determination. I'm surprised I handled it, I don't handle the heat well unless water is involved, aka lake or pool...
  23. Thanks Nick, I'll keep that in mind when we go again, had I known he needed any I'd have picked it up Friday when I was at the quad store I'm out North. Oh, another funny moment, my hungover neighbor asking me how many ounces in a liter, uh, :beer_bang: I've never owned a 2 stroke or I'm sure I'd learn the conversions, lol. I know how much oil I need to change my oil. I know the ratio of the mixture from being around when friends have mixed theirs, but I couldn't think of the ounces to liters conversion to save my life this morning. I'm sure someone will fill me in now Maybe I was right, but I wasn't gonna be responsible for effin that up if I wasn't...
  24. One facing inside and one facing out DDR pasties or Chapman Dodge ones?
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